Upgrade meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Upgrade
As noun : अपग्रेड Ex:  We should upgrade the defence technology. उ:   इसमें सपोर्ट टूल्स, पैचेस एवं अपग्रेड के प्रावधान भी हैं।
तजरी Ex:  This upgrade includes most of the new hardware from the APG-631 पदोन्नति करना Ex:  From there it was again roughly an upgrade to the original canal सुधार करना Ex:  Naval Tactics, Art to upgrade buildings, wings in battle सुधार उ:   कनाडा में भी इसी प्रकार के सुधार किए गए। सुधारित वस्तु
As verb : उन्नति करना Ex:  It is currently undergoing a US$100 million upgrade and expansion.
Other : उच्च श्रेणी में चढ़ना Ex:  The conference conducted to upgrade the deteriorating environment proved sterile. उन्नत करना Ex:  The government is struggling to upgrade education and technical training उन्नयन करना Ex:  Talks are being held to upgrade the line with Japanese Shinkansen makers कोट Ex:  The first M1A1 tanks to receive this upgrade were tanks stationed in Germany उ:   पुल के प्रत्येक कोट के लिये पेंट लगता है। कोटि उच्च करना Ex:  The Enhanced Fujita Scale was an upgrade to the older Fujita scale कोटि उन्नयन Ex:  The country is in the middle of an upgrade to Doppler radar systems ग्रेड बढ़ाना Ex:  Tungsten is often added for weight as an upgrade चढ़ाई Ex:  -800 and -900, and is to date the most significant upgrade of the airframe. उ:   जोमसोम से मुक्तिनाथ एक दिन की चढ़ाई पर स्थित है। चढ़ाव Ex:  Expansive and expensive plans to upgrade stations चढ़ाई Ex:  Saab Gripen, Dassault Rafale or simply upgrade their existing aircraft.
Upgrade ki paribhasha : angareji dhng ka ek pahanaava jo kamij ya kurate ke oopar pahana jaata hai aur jisaka saamana batanadaar hota hai vah sthaana jo aage ki or baraabar ooancha hota gaya ho aur jis par chalane men pair kuchh uthaakar rakhane ke kaaran adhik parishram pade dosh ya trutiyon ka door kiya jaana
Usage of Upgrade in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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