Upwards meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Upwards
As noun : महँगाई की ओर Ex:  Exchange Whoever plays upwards
As adverb :
आरोही Ex:  As the autogyro moves forward, air blows upwards through it, making it spin. उ:   कुल पौधे आरोही होते हैं। उढ्ढ Ex:  Current passenger volumes range upwards of 40 million passengers per year उप्पर Ex:  They regulate which tissues grow upwards and which grow downwards उरधंत Ex:  Why should it not go sideways or upwards उलछारना् Ex:  Gray's team revised its April forecast upwards to 15 named storms ऊपर की तरफ़ Ex:  Mountains therefore form downwards as well as upwards . ऊपर Ex:  The annual rainfall can total upwards of 80 inches in some places उ:   फिल्म को औसत से ऊपर दर्जा दिया गया था। ऊपरि Ex:  From the second level upwards ऊर्दध्व Ex:  The minimum wages are revised upwards every few years . ऊर्ध्वमुखी Ex:  evacuation upwards and downwards खाए Ex:  evacuation upwards and downwards उ:   खाए जाने वाले पत्ते, तने, डंठल और जड़ें प्रायः सब्जी कही जाती हैं। मुख्य Ex:  Go upwards and down उ:   वज्जिका यहाँ की मुख्य भाषा है।
Other : ऊपरी Ex:  When the claw was dropped on to an attacking ship the arm would swing upwards उ:   एपिडर्मिस, तवचा का सबसे ऊपरी सतह होता हैं। ऊर्ध्वमुख Ex:  Action to transport something upwards से अधिक Ex:  Going by upwards and downwards, upwards and downwards in
Upwards ki paribhasha : sngit shaastraanusaar vah svar jo padj se lekar nishaad tak uttarottar chadhata jaay
Usage of Upwards in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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