Uterus meaning in hindi
As noun : उल्ब Ex: retroversion of the uterus उ: परंतु कुछ स्तनधारियों में उल्ब की उत्पत्ति की विधा कुछ भिन्न होती है।
गर्भ Ex: Other serious complications of pregnancy can include a prolapsed uterus उ: गर्भ ११ महीने का होता है। गर्भगेह Ex: Curettage refers to cleaning the walls of the uterus with a curette. गर्भवास Ex: The fertilized egg divides inside the female's uterus to become an embryo गर्भस्थली Ex: In terms of medicine, it means Relating uterus गर्भाशय Ex: of the matrix or uterus Inflammation Medicine उ: साथ ही गर्भाशय की दीवारे पतली हो जाती है। गात्रसमित Ex: Anatomy fleshy and spongy organ that is at the end of the umbilical cord, and through which the fetus attaches to the uterus and receives the food that provides him the body of his mother ग्रभ त बच्चादान बच्चादानी
Other : छिन्दु
Uterus ki paribhasha : striyon ke vah sthaan jisamen bachcha rahata hai pet ke andar ka bachcha
ExamplesUsage of Uterus in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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