Vacillate meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Vacillate
As verb : घिचपिचाना
निश्चय न कर पाना हिचकिचाना
Other : अनिश्चितता Ex:  To vacillate and delay decisions are not a good practice आगा पीछा करना आगे पीछा करना घटन घटना बढ़ना झूमना डगमगाना दुविधा उ:   और अपने वजूद को लेकर कभी सुविधा में नहीं बल्कि दुविधा में ही रहा। सात पांच करना
Vacillate ki paribhasha : bailon ka ek rog jisamen ve khooante par bandhe idhar udhar sir hilaaya karate hain hava ke jhonke men idhar udhar hilaana ya hilane dolane ke liye chhod dena hindi varnamaala ka pahala vynjan varn vaayu ka utha hua jhonka knth se nikaalana
Usage of Vacillate in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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