Vagrant meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Vagrant
As noun : खानाबदोश
Other : आवारा Ex:  The vagrant man saw a hamlet आवारागर्द Ex:  It has occurred as a vagrant twice in Ireland आहिण्डक Ex:  The species is a vagrant in northern Canada, Alaska, and South America. उठल्लू घुमक्कड डांवाडोल बहेतू मटरगश्त मत्त रमता
Vagrant ki paribhasha : 3430 maara maara phiranevaala sthaayi nivaas rahit ek sncharanashil jaati jo kuchh samay ke liye jahaaan kahin kheme, siraki aadi dalakar din bitaati hai
Usage of Vagrant in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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