Vainly meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Vainly
As adverb : अँबिरथा Ex:  They marched vainly to the field
अंतर्गडु Ex:  A criminal vainly seeks to escape himself अमिथ्या Ex:  He vainly tried to excuse अवश्थ Ex:  He vainly tried to refute the उआवाई Ex:  It was said to similar effect under the elm Lawyer, Lawyer without causes, who vainly awaits guests ऊवाबाई Ex:  PYGMY also said, figuratively and contempt, Every man without talent, without merit or without credit, which vainly seeks to harm someone shows or strong कुड़ुक Ex:  The magistrate has vainly sought to reconcile the parties खारच झुरै झूठमूठ तुच्छय नाचार निरूपयोग बादहवाई बेकाज बेफजूल बेफायदा विभ्रष्ट व्यर्थ में व्यर्थ उ:   नासा ने ऐसे कलम को बनाने के लिए हजारों डॉलर व्यर्थ में बहा दिये। शुष्ककलह शून्यमय श्वेतकाकीय हकनाक हकनाहक हर्जा हेचपोच
Vainly ki paribhasha : jisaka koi arth ya prayojan na ho
Usage of Vainly in sentences

The word can be used as verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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