Valance meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Valance
As noun : अपवारक Ex:  The valance had good frills
निकाब पर्दा उ:   रंगमंच के एक भाग पर एक कढ़ा हुआ पर्दा पड़ा रहता था। पेल्मेट
Other : झालर Ex:  In terms of Tapissier it means a piece of cloth falling from the canopy, or the valance band of a window पलंग या खिडकी पर की झालर
Valance ki paribhasha : ek prakaar ka pakaavaan jise jhalara bhi kahate hai vah kapada, tatti aadi jisake saamane padne se koi sthaan ya vastu logon ki drashti se chhipi rahe
Usage of Valance in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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