Valuation meaning in hindi
Other : आँक Ex:  The examiners did the valuation of all the papers
कूत Ex:  This valuation fell some £165m below Acorn's peak valuation of £190m. निरूपण Ex:  This valuation is regarded by many as a gross underestimate. उ: प्रथम उद्योत में सत्य का निरूपण है। मुल्याकंन Ex:  The western Renaissance saw a return to valuation of the material world मूल्यन मूल्यांकन उ: नैतिक मूल्यों का फिर से मूल्यांकन होना चाहिए। मोल लगाना लगाया हुआ दाम
Valuation ki paribhasha : kisi vishay ka vivechanaa— poorvak nirnay na ya nirdhaaran kisi vastu ka mooly nirdhaa- rit ya nishchit karana
ExamplesUsage of Valuation in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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