Value meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Value
As noun : आइड़ियल Ex:  Find the value of `x
आदरभाव Ex:  The value of yaun is declining due to recession. उ:   अब तो दोनों का मन महाराज के प्रति और अधिक आदरभाव से भर गया। आदर्श Ex:  The value of the rupee has gone up उ:   यह खूबसूरत झील एक आदर्श पिकनिक स्थल है। उन्नाय Ex:  The resale value of this old scooter is not much. उपयोगिता Ex:  The value of yen keeps fluctuating. उ:   वहाँ अभी भी कुलीनों कि उपयोगिता बनी हुई थी। औसाफ Ex:  The value of peseta is much lesser than dollar. कदर Ex:  I take everything he says at face value . किसी अक्षर द्वारा प्रदर्शित राशि का मूल्य Ex:  C takes the "hard" value finally and before A कीमत Ex:  O, and U, and the "soft" value before E and I . उ:   आपातकाल में उन्हें इसकी कीमत चुकानी पड़ी। खुबी Ex:  In English, CH most commonly takes the value गुण Ex:  For r = 0 any value of φ describes the same number. उ:   इस गुण की इस शाखा का सर्वाधिक प्रचार हुआ है। चिकीर्षित Ex:  Macleod saw the value of the research on his return तत्वता Ex:  The value of education is being reintroduced in the communities तात्पर्य Ex:  Since the maximum value of is +1 and the minimum value is −1 उ:   यज्ञ का तात्पर्य है- त्याग, बलिदान, शुभ कर्म। Ex:  The best value at the end of the 19th century was due to William Shanks परिमाण Ex:  Males of the egg-type breeds have little commercial value at any age उ:   इसका भी परिमाण एक लक्ष श्लोक था। परिमानप Ex:  Money is not the same as real value परिवाँन Ex:  As with any device containing objects of value मन्म Ex:  Arizona is currently the most important producer of turquoise by value महत्त्व Ex:  The value of the stolen items was estimated to be approximately $543,000 उ:   इसका महत्त्व समय की सीमाओं से बढ़कर है। माँण Ex:  Another 20% of the value may be taxed by the local government though. माडल Ex:  Is there some value to sharing or expressing emotions? मान Ex:  Antique maps are perhaps especially revered due to their aesthetic value उ:   प्राचीन भारत में मान की कई पद्धतियाँ प्रचलित थीं। मानु Ex:  Māori also value their connections to Polynesia मान्यताएँ Ex:  The value of South Australia's exports nearly halved. उ:   हिन्दू धर्म में अनेक मान्यताएँ प्रचलित हैं। मित्ती Ex:  If we accept that life has no meaning and therefore no value मुद्दआ Ex:  If the common value is zero, the game becomes pointless. मूल्य Ex:  Thucydides placed a high value on autopsy उ:   वे मूल्य को मानसिक रचना मात्र नहीं मानते हैं। मूल्यक Ex:  This value is well above the global average surface temperature of the oceans मृजाद Ex:  The name, type, and value of a property are strings मेकदार Ex:  The unit for this value is seconds. मोल Ex:  The browser then replaces the old value with the new one. उ:   आरम्भ में सिद्धान्त कौड़ी मोल के होते हैं। राश Ex:  1 natural value of land and 2 improved value of land. लियाकत Ex:  He thought the single tax should be placed on the natural value of the land. वस्फ Ex:  Its mission is to research land value taxation वाणि Ex:  Conversely, in the state exporting bullion, its value would slowly rise. संखयता Ex:  Their value is based on both size and history सन्नय Ex:  The currently accepted value is 6.02214179 mol-1 . सफन Ex:  Salt has great commercial value समवहार Ex:  Hunters value obsidian because “bsidian makes the sharpest tools to be had" . सिद्धान्त जिनमें समाज की विशेष आस्था हो Ex:  Debates about the value of colonialism continue to this day. स्टैंडर्ड Ex:  Many philosophers have questioned the value of such skeptical arguments.
As verb : आदर करना Ex:  I paid value added tax at the airport कदमबोसी Ex:  I cashed in my bonds for their face value . सनमानना० Ex:  Goldman's belief in the value of aesthetics
Other : अर्घ Ex:  I value his friendship. अर्थ Ex:  His father being very rich, it figures that he will not have any value for money. उ:   अतः मेध का भी अर्थ कुछ और रहा होगा। अर्ध Ex:  Irradiation reduces the nutritive value of the food. उ:   इसलिए उन्हें अर्ध सन्यासी के रूप मे माना जाता है। अर्धीकरण Ex:  Dont underestimate the value of this heirloom-you may sell it at a good price अर्हा Ex:  The value of gold is languishing. आंकना Ex:  While Americans tend greatly to value socioeconomic achievement क़ीमत Ex:  I value this vase at one million dollars . उ:   कार की क़ीमत अपरिवर्तित ब्युगाटी से लगभग एक मिलियन ज़्यादा है। दाम लगाना Ex:  Fisher would probably have appreciated the value of the publicity as दाम Ex:  The night-time economy has a value of about £100 million pa and supports jobs. उ:   उस समय इसका दाम १ करोड़ २० लाख रूपये आंका गया पर बात बनी ४६ लाख में। प्रतिष्ठा करना Ex:  1942. Emphasizing the strategic value of Henderson Field भाव Ex:  The current value of the Scottish banknotes in circulation is £1.5 billion. उ:   पृथक धर्म होने पर भी एक-दूसरे के प्रति सम्मान का भाव स्पष्ट है। महत्व देना Ex:  This is followed by a numerical value that indicates the temperature index. महत्व Ex:  The numeric value of never changes. उ:   उसके समक्ष कला से अधिक महत्व मानवता का था। मालियत Ex:  The principal catches by value are clams, lobsters, squid, and flounder. मूल्य निर्धारण करना Ex:  As with letters, the value of diacritics is language-dependent. मूल्यांकन करना Ex:  Which gives the road a tourism value also. मोल लगाना Ex:  In 1526 Copernicus wrote a study on the value of money, Monetae Cudendae Ratio.
Value ki paribhasha : manushy ke hraday ka aashay jo shabd se prakat ho vah jisase grnth ka abhipraay jhalak jaay vah dhan jo kisi chij ke bikane par usake badalen men milata hai vah maan jo naap ya taul ke dvaara jaana jaay kisi padaarth ka bhaara, taul ya naap aadi kaam men aane ki yogyata laabhakaa- rita ek pratyay jo snkhyaavaachak shabdon ke aage lagata hai aur utani hi baar kisi vishesh snkhyaa, maatra ya parimaan ko soochit karata hai vah bhaav jo kisi vaaky ko kahakar kahanevaala prakat karana chaahata ho jad se ukhaadne yogy vah gaaanth jo haath ya pair men kaaanta ya knkadi chubhane ya adhik ragad se pad jaati hai aur kadi hokar badhati hai
Usage of Value in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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