Vandalism meaning in hindi
As noun : इनहिदाम Ex:  The park is normally closed at night due to the incidences of vandalism
गुंडागिरी Ex:  Scholarly work suggests that vandalism is generally short-lived. धूरधानी धूलधानी ध्वंस उ: ध्वंस को सभी संयुक्त राष्ट्र संबंधित लेखों में जोडे़ । बर्बरता उ: इस बर्बरता के खिलाफ राय ने एक लेख लिखा। भ्रंश, भ्रंस मर्द्दन मुसमुंद विभंज सत्यानास समुच्छित्ति सहोबल
Other : कलाध्वंस विध्वंसक कार्य Ex:  Norris hired Harry Yount to control poaching and vandalism in the park. कलाविध्वंस Ex:  The criticisms are centered on its susceptibility to vandalism जानबूझ कर माल की हानि करना Ex:  We commit at that time a lot of vandalism तोडफ़ोड़ की कार्रवाई
ExamplesUsage of Vandalism in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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