Vegetable meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Vegetable
As noun : अगतिमय Ex:  a vegetable plate
उदभिद Ex:  Reema cooked delicous vegetable in a saucepan. उम्म Ex:  They use vegetable dyes for coloring the garments. ओषधि, ओषधी Ex:  food color made from vegetable dyes ओष्ठजाह Ex:  Margarine is made out of vegetable fat. कच्चा जिन Ex:  Salsify is a vegetable which is very nutritive. गदद Ex:  Soy and vegetable oils are major export commodities at 32% of exports. गबदद Ex:  Vegetable is also used as a literary term for any plant: vegetable matter गुट्ठल Ex:  Many vegetable oils are consumed directly घपूचंद Ex:  These modified vegetable oils are known as natural oil polyols. घपोकानंदन Ex:  AAFCO defines vegetable oil घामड़ Ex:  Some vegetable oil blends are used in unmodified vehicles घोँघा Ex:  The processing of soy oil is typical of that used with most vegetable oils. छन्नमति Ex:  Soap is made from either vegetable or animal fats. छूछू Ex:  Soap can also be made of vegetable oils जड़ Ex:  Large quantities of a vegetable that resembles horsehair उ:   इसकी जड़ गांठनुमा होती है जिसकी सब्ज़ी बनती है। जड्ड Ex:  A substance containing an animal or vegetable diastase used to curdle ढेँढ Ex:  A vegetable garden square नबात Ex:  Animal species, vegetable निगु Ex:  Colouring matter of vegetable origin, which serves to dye blue प्रमूढ Ex:  He said again, in terms of Botany, a resin, not unlike beeswax, which runs some trees and vegetable wax called बनपाती Ex:  Heart middle of a fruit, a vegetable which has been taken away everything there was to eat बनाफाति Ex:  Lunch of soup and a vegetable बष्ट Ex:  Medicinal composition obtained by boiling in water or any liquid, vegetable products मुसल Ex:  Plants vegetable मूर Ex:  Plants with thick leaves and lying stem, which are grown as a vegetable or as a decorative plant उ:   मूर का जन्म रोसवेल, न्यू मेक्सिको में डेमी जीन गइनस के रूप में हुआ था। मूरि Ex:  POIS is also said in the same plant that bears this vegetable मूल Ex:  POTAGER is also used as a male name for a vegetable garden उ:   शासन की मूल इकाई गांवों को ही माना गया था। मूलनिकृंतन Ex:  Principle fragrant flowers in general and vegetable products मूसरचंद Ex:  Russian salad, mixed vegetable salad रठकठ Ex:  SALAD also told of vegetable herbs intended for well seasoned रुस्तनी Ex:  Serving a leg, a vegetable dish, the dessert, dessert वनस्पति से सम्बन्धित Ex:  sustained heat on animal or vegetable matter or result of this action वनस्पति Ex:  The anomalies vegetable उ:   वनस्पति का प्रायः अभाव है। वानस्पतिक Ex:  The squares a vegetable उ:   इसका वानस्पतिक नाम अन्नोना स्क्वामोसा है। विचारमूढ़ Ex:  This land has been vegetable garden, vegetable garden is सब्जी Ex:  vegetable plant that looks and chervil which is used for various uses for cooking उ:   खाते खाने में एक ही सब्जी लेते। समुत्पत्ति Ex:  vegetable plant, a type of chicory हरबोंग Ex:  Albumine animal, vegetable हीनबुद्धि हीनमाति
Other : उद्भिद Ex:  Ramu runs a vegetable stall. छौंक Ex:  True soaps made from vegetable oils उ:   छौंक को किसी व्यंजन की शुरुआत या फिर अंत में मिलाया जा सकता है। जड व्यक्ति Ex:  The momo is a popular snack made from vegetable तरकारी Ex:  adjectively , vegetable Garden उ:   कच्चे फल में से की तरकारी बनायी जाती है। पेड़ पौधा Ex:  Grass vegetable we eat salad पौैधा Ex:  He also said, by analogy, in terms of Natural History, thin and flat Parties, species sheets which line or make up some vegetable or mineral बेकार Ex:  Name given to liquid substances of animal, vegetable or mineral, which is used for food and pharmacy, or lighting भाजी Ex:  Pharmacy Sub-product of hard coal, an intense sweet flavor and is in some occasions used instead of the vegetable sugar उ:   पानी पूरी, पाव भाजी और भेलपूरी यहाँ का मुख्य आकर्षण हैं। शकाहार Ex:  Unconsciousness of the mineral, the vegetable शाक Ex:  vegetable fats olive oil, nuts, rapeseed, etc उ:   वस्तुतः शाक आज के पालक सम था। शाकाहारी Ex:  vegetable of the family Cruciferae plant and serves food उ:   एंपेडोक्लीज़ शाकाहारी के लिये होता है। शाग Ex:  vegetable plant family Cucurbitaceae producing elongated fruit सब्ज़ Ex:  vegetable plant family Umbelliferae which is used in cooking as a seasoning सब्ज़ी Ex:  vegetable plant that is usually put in salads or accommodates various kinds उ:   इनकी सब्ज़ी बनती है। साग Ex:  vegetable plant, gender artichoke, and the leaves are good to eat उ:   सोगरा किसी भी चटनी, साग आदि के साथ खाया जाता है। सागभाजी Ex:  vegetable substance that gives off an odor strong and pleasant
Vegetable ki paribhasha : patti, phoola, phal aadi jo pakaakar khaaye jaayan keval anaaj ya saag bhaaji khaanevaala vah paudha jisaki patti, jad, dnthala, phal phool aadi pakaakar khaane ke kaam men aate hain jisake paas karane ke liye koi kaam na ho vrakshon aur paudhon aadi ka vah bhaag jo jamin ke andar daba rahata hai aur jisake dvaara unaka poshan hota hai vah vraksh jisamen phool na ho arthaat na dikhaayi pade keval phal hi hon khaane ke liye taiyaar ki hui tarakaari
Usage of Vegetable in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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