Veteran meaning in hindi
As noun : अनुभवी व्यक्ति Ex:  Gandhiji was a veteran freedom fighter
अनुभवी Ex:  he performed with all the coolness of a veteran उ: वे बहुत पढे-लिखे नहीं थे, परंतु अनुभवी थे। अनुभावित Ex:  A veteran of independent theater and performance poetry अर्थकोविद Ex:  The music was composed by veteran Koji Kondo कारकरदा Ex:  6-4. King lost four significant matches to veteran players. खुरटि Ex:  The last living veteran of the battle is Henry Allingham पुराना सिपाही Ex:  However, addressing any veteran Marine as "Marine" is appropriate. सियानी Ex:  Baku came under the control of Baku Commune led by a veteran Bolshevik सेवानिवृत्त सैनिक Ex:  veteran Quality
Other : अभ्यास वृद्ध मनुष्य Ex:  Borman, a veteran of Gemini 7, was selected as the Mission Commander. पुराना योद्धा Ex:  William March was an American World War I veteran वयोवृद्ध Ex:  Oliver North was a veteran Marine उ: इस क्रांति का नेतृत्व वयोवृद्ध नेता लफायत ने किया। सेवा निवृत Ex:  Army veteran troops
Veteran ki paribhasha : jisane dekh sunakar jaanakaari praapt ki ho
ExamplesUsage of Veteran in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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