Villain meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Villain
As noun : अनेडमूक Ex:  He played the role of a villain in his latest film.
उठाईगीर, उठाईगीरा Ex:  Pran was typecast as a villain early in his film career. कफनचोर Ex:  In this novel, Little Nell and her Grandfather are fleeing the villain Quilp. कौसृतिक Ex:  Alexander Hamilton reappears, again cast as the villain of the piece. खलनायक Ex:  Crowley later portrayed Mathers as the primary villain उ:   और कुछ लोग कहने लगे कि तुम खलनायक बन सकते हो। गड्डामी Ex:  Arthur Edward Waite also appeared in Moonchild as a villain named Arthwaite जियाँकार Ex:  UK in 1978, naming the band after the villain "Dr. धीँग Ex:  A free villain धीँगड़ Ex:  A plot, a villain project धीँगरा Ex:  A villain completed धीँगा Ex:  A villain known as धुधेला Ex:  He bought a bar of soap villain to नंगालुच्चा Ex:  It is a true villain, a great villain निकृतप्रज्ञ Ex:  Making black Defame, getting someone to villain for Criminal पापकल्प Ex:  This villain will die malemort बग्गड़ Ex:  Way to be, d act from that villain बज्जात Ex:  We just raged against this villain बदमाश Ex:  , a man bag and rope, a villain who deserves being drowned or hanged मुस्टंडा Ex:  , It is a villain sir, wants a little estimable man लड्ड Ex:  , Pig Tour Pig Run, said of a villain and down Tower संकसुक सौखी ‡ हरामजादा
Other : एक छोटा पट्टेदार आसामी या किसान Ex:  Fleming suggested friend and neighbour Noël Coward as the villain Dr. ऐयार Ex:  With a new setting came a new villain खल Ex:  Williams includes Alexander Hamilton as the villain of the piece. चचा Ex:  The villain Bruno in Strangers on a Train hates his father चच्चा Ex:  1993's "Knightfall" arc introduces a new villain दास Ex:  Indeed, Penda has been described as "the villain of Bede's third book" . उ:   दास यह सुनकर हंसने लगा।
Villain ki paribhasha : vah jo apane ko doosare ki seva ke liye samarpit kar de naatak ya upanyaas aadi men ek paatr jo naayak ka pratidvndvi aur durvratti hota hai
Usage of Villain in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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