Vine meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Vine
As noun : अंगूर की बेल Ex:  The most complex designs use vine choppers and shakers
उष्ट्रपादिका Ex:  �Oh!� Sue exclaimed as she looked at the vine creeper . करूबेल Ex:  A flower vine गुच्छफला Ex:  A vine छल्ली Ex:  A vine area द्राक्षा Ex:  A vine enclosed ध्राद्दा Ex:  A vine hectare प्रतित Ex:  Absolutely, this vine starts producing बरिया Ex:  Agriculture Leave a third plowing, A third way to the vine बेलि Ex:  Beam vine branches where the grapes are still attached भौँगरा Ex:  By extension, the vine juice, the grape juice, The Wine रोहंती Ex:  Couder a vine branch लता Ex:  Cut the new buds of a vine उ:   इसके बाद लता ने कभी पीछे मुड़कर नहीं देखा। वज्रबीजक Ex:  échalasser a vine वयाक Ex:  Fouir a vineyard, Working the land at the foot of the vine वल्लिय Ex:  In terms of Botany, Virginia creeper, shrub and climbing sarmenteux, which he leaves resembling those of vine वेल्लि Ex:  It should tiercer this field, this vine व्रतति Ex:  It sometimes makes chills that damage the vine संघट्टा Ex:  Javelin surrounded by vine and ivy, and ended with a pinecone, the Bacchae were armed समधुरा Ex:  Kind of very small mushrooms, a species attacks the grapes, to leaves, branches of the vine and made old साब्दी Ex:  Marier vine abalone स्वादुरसा Ex:  Marier vine with abalone, abalone स्वाद्वी Ex:  of the vine हारभूरा Ex:  Plant or any variety of cultivated vine
Other : अंगूर की बेल या लता Ex:  As the vine grew, it twined around the lamppost . लतिका Ex:  Draw a vine उ:   उनकी लतिका नामक एक बेटी थी , जिसकी अल्पायु में मृत्यु हो गई थी।
Vine ki paribhasha : ek ped jisase pnjaab men sajji nikaali jaati hai
Usage of Vine in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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