Virgin meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Virgin
As noun : अकृष्टपूर्व Ex:  Most boys want to marry a virgin girl.
अपाकज Ex:  Total worldwide production of virgin acetic acid is estimated at 5 Mt/a कँवारी Ex:  Most virgin acetic acid is produced by methanol carbonylation. कन्या राशि में उत्पन्न व्यक्ति Ex:  "I was the most Yankee-est, most modest virgin who ever walked the earth. कन्या राशि Ex:  Not because she's a virgin कुँआरी Ex:  A virgin dedicated to God उ:   कुँआरी लड़की को मनभावन पति देना। चालीससरा Ex:  State of a virgin दैवदत्त Ex:  This boy is still a virgin निछान— Ex:  To stop being virgin निरुढ़ा प्राकृतिक उ:   प्राकृतिक सृष्टि और कला दोनों भिन्न वस्तुएँ हैं। मुँहबंद लुब्व विशुद्ध उ:   यह एक विशुद्ध आध्यात्मिक संस्था है। वीतविष सत्वविहित सहसिद्ध सान्नत्य स्वभावकृत् स्वभावसिद्ध स्वयंकृत स्वसमुत्थ
Other : अक्षत Ex:  John and the letters of Paul do not explicitly mention the virgin birth. अक्षतयोनि Ex:  That she was a virgin at this time is affirmed by Eastern Christianity अक्षता Ex:  The Qur'an says that Jesus was the result of a virgin birth. अस्पृष्ट Ex:  The two biggest producers of virgin acetic acid are Celanese and BP Chemicals. कन्या Ex:  The main problems were cutting the trees through miles of virgin forest उ:   उस कन्या के पूछने पर ब्राह्मण ने उसे कथा बतायी। कुँवारी Ex:  A virgin shall conceive and bear a son कुंआरी Ex:  Anatomy Repli membranous which is usually found among the virgin at the entrance of the vagina कुंवारी Ex:  Cecilia, virgin and martyr कुमारी, अक्षत―योनी Ex:  From the virgin silver, gold virgin, virgin mercury, Money, gold, mercury, that have not gone through the fire कुमारी Ex:  Saint Catherine, virgin and martyr पवित्र उ:   गंगा को आज भारत की सबसे पवित्र नदी माना जाता है। मुलरुप शुद्ध उ:   योग से शरीर और मन शुद्ध होता है।
Virgin ki paribhasha : bina toota hua chaaval jo devataaon ki pooja men chadhaaya jaata hai jis stri ka vivaah na hua ho kusha ki bani hui pavitri jise shraadghaadi men aanguliyon men pahanate hain vah stri jisaka purush se snyog na hua ho vah kanya jisaka purush se snsarg na hua ho tntr ke anusaar sharir ke andar ke chhah chakron men se paaanchavaaan chakra, jo gale men maana jaata hai
Usage of Virgin in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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