Virile meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Virile
As noun : जोशपूर्ण Ex:  It also said the virile member
As adjective :
उन्मयूख Ex:  Dress or toga virile , Toga that young Romans took when leaving the grounds at the end of childhood उस्त्र Ex:  In terms of Jurisprudence, virile Portion, one that up to each co-heir in succession also shared ठरकी Ex:  virile member, the part of man which is used to generate तिग्मतेज तेजस्वी पुरुष या पुरुषत्व संबंधी पौरसो पौरुषयुक्त यौवनस्थ वाजयु वीर्यवान संभ्रात सुवर्चा, सुवर्च्चा
Other : पुरूषत्व उ:   ..और दूषित पुरूषत्व से लबा-लब भरी इस दुनिया में वह खिलौना बन गयी। पौरूष मरदाना संतान उत्पादक
Usage of Virile in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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