Voluntarily meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Voluntarily
As adverb : अपने आप Ex:  he voluntarily submitted to the fingerprinting
उपजोषण Ex:  She removed herself from office voluntarily . कामतह Ex:  Ford also voluntarily appeared before Congress on October 17 निरालम Ex:  The last individual to leave the Privy Council voluntarily was Jonathan Aitken स्वेच्छतः Ex:  Engage, either voluntarily or by cunning, the men for military service स्वेच्छया Ex:  exceed the voluntarily स्वेच्छा से Ex:  Feeling that makes you strong and voluntarily attaches to any person, something स्वेच्छापूर्वक Ex:  He did this voluntarily
Other : इच्छापूर्वक Ex:  He voluntarily submitted to the fingerprinting स्वतः Ex:  The citizens of Moscow had voluntarily participated in the coup in 1606 उ:   कहीं-कहीं स्वतः अलंकारो का प्रयोग हुआ है। स्वयं Ex:  Some of them, especially Polish Communists , moved voluntarily उ:   तदोपरांत स्वयं भी मीठा भोजन करे। स्वयेंच्छा Ex:  On Cicero's evidence that he had reported what he knew of the plot voluntarily स्वेक्षापूर्वक Ex:  Agreement voluntarily treated स्वेच्छ Ex:  By extension, it means attitude of one who was voluntarily and by system
Usage of Voluntarily in sentences

The word can be used as verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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