War meaning in hindi

How to pronounce War
As noun : अभिसंताप Ex:  the war between the sexes
अभ्यामर्द Ex:  fighting an undeclared war आजयन Ex:  The two families stuck together throughout the war आजवन Ex:  thousands of people were killed in the war आजि Ex:  The war between India and Pakistan was fought in Kargil sector. आजिक्रिया Ex:  Brutalities of war send shivers down my spine. आयोधन Ex:  the prisoners of war were treated inhumanely आस्कंद Ex:  Modern day war does not have jousts. आहाव Ex:  The trojan war was fought between the Greeks and the Trojans. करीरक Ex:  He relived the horrors of war कलिकर्म Ex:  Wreaths are placed at the war memorial. काँकल Ex:  The war has de-escalated after the army moved back. काँक़ड़ Ex:  The post war periods of great economic depression. कार्पाण Ex:  he participated actively in the war कौलोन Ex:  The prisoners of war returned unscathed. गर्जाफल Ex:  Repatriation of prisoners of wars after a war should be at earliast date. जुध Ex:  He is morally opposed to war . दमंगल Ex:  As the war turned against them दमगाल Ex:  By the end of the war धमगजर Ex:  Whereas Japan had the finest submarine torpedoes of the war प्रयुद्ध Ex:  By 1898, war seemed imminent. प्रविदारण Ex:  As the war turned against the Afrikaners प्रांतदारण Ex:  Ever since the British victory in the war भारथ्थ Ex:  After the 1967 Arab-Israeli war भीमर Ex:  After the war he returned to Trieste briefly but found the city had changed युद्ध करना Ex:  1914, Britain entered the First World War by declaring war on Germany. युद्ध Ex:  On June 10, 1940, Mussolini finally declared war on Britain and France. उ:   इस युद्ध में सुदास की जीत हुई । युध् Ex:  In May 1803, Britain declared war on France. रणरंग Ex:  A third war erupted in 1535 वकीअत Ex:  The war was officially ended by the Thirty Years' Peace वगा Ex:  In the 17th year of the war वराकक Ex:  During the second Russian-Persian war वलज Ex:  Rome grew momentously after the war विढना Ex:  In 1147 Manuel was faced with war by Roger II of Sicily विर्मदन Ex:  When the war between Frederick and the north Italian cities started वीरजयंतिका Ex:  Kuwait had heavily funded Iraq's eight year-long war with Iran. वृत्रतूर्य Ex:  By the time the war ended वेढ Ex:  The war resulted from U.S. efforts वैशस Ex:  Following the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo that ended the war शस्त्रकोप Ex:  Kerry and other Democrats attacked Bush on the war in Iraq शस्त्रग्रह Ex:  Following the Gulf war संक्रंद Ex:  Dod wanted to be transferred to the war zones in France संख्य Ex:  Further, conscription was slavery, and war was murder. उ:   इनकी संख्य एवं रूप दोनों में वृद्धि हुई है। संपरायक, संपरायिक Ex:  In 31 BC, the war started. संस्फेट Ex:  Suddenly there was war in the Pascal household. सद्म Ex:  Ponce, Cabo Rojo, and Mayagüez until 1802 when the war finally came to an end. समित् Ex:  The Bolsheviks prevailed after a four-year war समुच्छय Ex:  When war broke out between France and its rivals सम्मर Ex:  The war lasted for less than a month सांपरायिक Ex:  As the war came to an end स्पश Ex:  The Sino-Japanese war was officially declared on August 1 स्पृध् Ex:  As the war dragged on, the Allies found weaknesses in Japanese Naval Aviation. हर्ब Ex:  G-10 and G-12 aircraft until mid-1952. After the war उ:   मिस्र देश के लोग स्वर को हर्ब कहते थे। हांत्र Ex:  Toward the end of the war however हिचना ‡ Ex:  After the war they offered him ten dollars per month as compensation. हूचक Ex:  Soviets, particularly prisoners of war हैस Ex:  The massacres started with the war
As verb : अभिसंताप Ex:  the war between the sexes अभ्यामर्द Ex:  fighting an undeclared war प्रांतदारण Ex:  Ever since the British victory in the war भांडन Ex:  However, the war ended before prototypes could be shipped to Europe. विर्मदन Ex:  When the war between Frederick and the north Italian cities started संघर्ष Ex:  The war did not end for everyone with the signing of the armistice. उ:   इससे उन्हें पृथ्वीराज के साथ संघर्ष में आना पड़ा। सांपराय Ex:  Just before the eruption of the Peloponnesian war स्पर्द्धा, स्पर्धा Ex:  After Bhutan lost the war स्पृध् Ex:  As the war dragged on, the Allies found weaknesses in Japanese Naval Aviation. हांत्र Ex:  Toward the end of the war however
Other : उतरना Ex:  The war of words between them de-escalated with time कंदल Ex:  the refugees were displaced by the war जंग Ex:  A war f lared up in the Middle East . उ:   जंग पंजाब, भारत में फिरोजपुर जिले का गाँव है। बैर Ex:  As regards prisoners of war महायुद्ध Ex:  The war of 1812 is also called the 'Forgotten War'. उ:   द्वितीय महायुद्ध के बाद यह एकता संभव न हो सकी। युद्ध बन्ध Ex:  In the later stages of the war रण संग्राम Ex:  During the war there are no reports of revolutions among the Roman citizens रण Ex:  In other respects, the war was inconclusive. उ:   रण इसको बेहद पूजनीय और पवित्र माना जाता है। लडाई Ex:  During the Eritrean war for independence from Ethiopia लड़ाई Ex:  Historians have traditionally divided the war into three phases. संग्राम Ex:  Texas remained in Confederate hands throughout the war उ:   यह संग्राम सन १८५८ तक चलता रहा। समर Ex:  China formally joined the Allies and declared war on Germany on December 9 उ:   भारत में समर कैम्पों का आयोजन बहुत कम होता है। सिपाहीगिरी Ex:  As the war finally ended in 1721 सैनिक व्यवसाय Ex:  At the end of the war
War ki paribhasha : hal men laga hua chilam ke aakaar ka chonga jisamen bhara hua bij hal chalane men baraabar kooand men padta jaata hai ek chij ka doosari chij ke saath ragad khaana ek prakaar ki badi naav jo bahut chaudi hoti hai
Usage of War in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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