Warmth meaning in hindi
As noun : उपतप्ता Ex: The warmth of the Indian Ocean keeps phytoplankton production low
उपताप Ex: These dwellings remain cool in summer and retain warmth in winter. उलाह Ex: Defending a person with warmth गर्मी Ex: It also says an Exhibition which, being in front of the midday sun, receives all the warmth of its rays उ: ये गर्मी का मुख्य अंग हैं। घस्र् Ex: The sun with its warmth solves the vapor dissipates घृणि Ex: The warmth of a beverage जोश Ex: There was warmth between the two families उ: इसी के कारण उसने जोश की भी हत्या कर दी। जोशिश Ex: This actor has no heat, lacks warmth ठपाक Ex: This role needs to be played with warmth तातक्ष Ex: With great fervor, he fell into extreme warmth ताबिश Ex: With warmth without ardor, zeal without परिश्रृत Ex: , Burning the boards means in terms of theater, Playing with warmth vivid scenes and animated मिट्रभाव Ex: , Getting someone's knight Take his defense with warmth
Other : उत्कंठा Ex: We were touched by the warmth of their welcome. उत्साह Ex: The red is a warmth color उ: इस दौरान दर्शकों में उत्साह एवं तालियों की गूँज दूर तक सुनाई देती है। उष्ण Ex: Feel a warmth उ: अधिक उष्ण जल से स्नान न करें। उष्णता Ex: Fire communicates warmth उ: रात्रिकाल में ये पक्षी इनपर बैठपर इन्हें उष्णता प्रदान करते हैं। ऊष्मा Ex: full of warmth Style उ: इसके अनुसार ऊष्मा भी ऊर्जा का ही रूप है। गरमाहट Ex: He has no fever, but it still has a slight feeling of warmth गरमी Ex: I heard him speaking with warmth उ: गरमी और वसंत का मौसम इस बेहद खूबसूरत प्रांत को निहारने का सही वक्त है। गर्माहट Ex: It also means to deprive poetry partly or entirely of natural warmth उ: जोड़ो के आस-पास गर्माहट महसूस होना। गहक Ex: It figuratively said of a feeling, a kind of a talent where there is warmth and generosity ग्रीष्म Ex: It is mainly used figuratively and signifies Dispose of any company, in any design, abandon an opinion, an opinion that supported with warmth उ: ग्रीष्म ऋतु गर्म और नम होती है। तपाक Ex: This water is not cool enough She still some warmth हरारत Ex: There are a lot of relaxation, although the warmth in his devotion
Warmth ki paribhasha : vah prasannata jo kisi aanevaale sukh ko sochakar hoti hai aur manushy ko kaary men pravratt karati hai kisi taral padaarth ka aaanch ya garami ke kaaran ubalana
ExamplesUsage of Warmth in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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