Wary meaning in hindi
As adjective : अतंद्रमा Ex:  they were wary in their movements
कलाकुशल Ex:  She is wary when strangers come क्षिप्रचेता Ex:  Though initially wary of the FROLINAT जागरूक Ex:  Since 1996 both governments have remained wary of one another उ: शिक्षा के मामले में यह गांव काफी जागरूक है। धिष्णय Ex:  Spanish authorities were wary of the Portuguese Magellan निर्निद्र Ex:  While he had always been distrustful and wary of the Klingons प्रमत Ex:  Giving the sheep to keep the wolf, Giving to keep something to a person that should be wary प्राप्तभाव Ex:  It is wary of all the world प्रौण Ex:  Manner of acting or speaking of one who is wary बेदार व्यपेक्षक सँजवल संदेहशील सजग उ: महादेवी एक सजग रचनाकार हैं। सावचेत ‡ सूत्थान हुशयार हुशवार हुशार हुस्यार ‡ होशयार होशियार उ: भविष्य में उसे अधिक होशियार रहने को कहा गया। होश्यार
Other : चौकन्ना Ex:  Capulet is wary of this offer चौकस Ex:  At three years of age, Cho was shy, frail, and wary of physical contact. सतर्क सावधान
ExamplesUsage of Wary in sentences
The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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