Waters meaning in hindi
As noun : अंबुअ Ex: the alkaline inclination of the local waters
अंबुधि Ex: Turbulent waters entered the place. अंबुनिधि Ex: They fell into the seething waters of the rapids. अंबुभृत् Ex: before a woman gives birth her waters break अंभस् Ex: the coastline is littered with testaments to the savageness of the waters अक्षितर Ex: The breeze ruffled the calm waters of the pond. अप्पति Ex: To walk through these waters you need waders. अबुप Ex: Dont enter the deep waters without a lifebelt. अबुपति Ex: He waded through waters अभोराशी Ex: The gradual recession of flood waters brought relief to the people. अभ्रपुष्प Ex: He waters the plants regularly. अर्णवपति Ex: The high waters f looded them out of their home . आपनिधि Ex: The high waters f looded out a lot of people . आपपति Ex: Haliotis australis and Haliotis virginea are also found in New Zealand waters उदन्वान् Ex: Other developments within waters claimed by East Timor उल्वोदक Ex: There are 80 species of grouper in Australian waters ऊर्ब Ex: In shallower and warmer coastal waters the Irrawaddy Dolphins can be found. कुलीनस Ex: Surrounded by cool South Atlantic waters कूलंकष Ex: Dead Sea, and Wadi Arabah was repeatedly inundated by waters from the Red Sea. क्षप Ex: The waters formed in a narrow क्षीरनिधि Ex: The mineral content of the waters गंगाधर Ex: Great coral reefs formed in these waters उ: दूसरा ग्रंथ गंगाधर नायक कृत गंधसार है। गर्भोदक Ex: As the waters receded, tropical forests and swamps flourished. घनरस Ex: There they grow and eventually migrate back into open waters when they mature. घनसार Ex: Wisconsin departed Korean waters चंद्रजनक Ex: These waters separate eastern Europe and western Asia. जलपति Ex: The North and South Atlantic central waters constitute the surface waters. जलरास Ex: The climate of the coastal strip is influenced by warm ocean waters जलेश Ex: Aside from its rich phosphate deposits and fishing waters झषनिकेत Ex: Great Salt Lake's waters are slightly enriched in potassium तरंत Ex: Fishermen, mainly from Haiti, fish the waters around Navassa. तिमिकोश Ex: It mixes very slowly with the upper waters तिमिमाली Ex: The open surface waters of the central basin have salinity of 6 to 8 ‰. तुग्र्या Ex: The open waters of the Drake Passage तृषाह Ex: In Yellowstone's hot waters तोयधि Ex: Operating within the crowded littoral waters of the Singapore Strait तोयनिधि Ex: The surrounding waters तोयराज Ex: Dredging makes the waters of the lake muddier देवप्रसूत Ex: Antarctic krill are found thronging the surface waters of the Southern Ocean धरणीप्लव Ex: When the Tampa entered Australian waters धुनीनाथ Ex: Earth's waters are filled with life. नदनदीपति Ex: When Queensland moved into tropical waters 24 million years ago नदपति Ex: The nation's coastal waters are among the richest fishing areas in the world नदराज Ex: Several people had to be rescued from high waters नदीकांत Ex: HWM denote the location and elevation of flood waters from a storm event. नदीनिवास Ex: The Shyok, Shigar and Gilgit streams carry glacial waters into the main river. नदीपति Ex: Several species of whales live in the waters around the Faroe Islands. नीरनिधि Ex: The kingdom is today under the waters of Issyk-Kul. परांगब Ex: Intense flood waters split Long Beach Island in half for a period of time. पाथनाथ Ex: The waters of a fifth lake also within the city, Powai, is not used. पाथरासि Ex: Magellan named the waters the Mar Pacifico because of its apparent stillness. पाथि Ex: Appropriately named Triple Divide Peak sends waters towards the Pacific Ocean पानी Ex: It was fought in waters near to the Philippine island of Leyte उ: बाद में पानी की कमी के चलते, वापस आगरा लौटे। पानौ Ex: Many varieties of fish live in the ocean waters surrounding Iceland पान्यो ‡ Ex: Atlantic, and Indian Oceans, or by the southern waters of the World Ocean. पृथिवीप्लव Ex: Mahaseer a large freshwater fish abound in these waters . पेयु Ex: A river that rolls its waters पेरु Ex: Action to derive waters उ: पेरु मियामी काउंटी, इंडियाना, संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका में एक शहर है। प्रजाहित Ex: Action to exhaust, in whole or in part, amassed waters or result in any place of this Action प्रतीचीपति Ex: Administration of Water and Forests, or, certainly, waters and forests प्रशत्त्वा, प्रशवा Ex: at the time of great waters प्राणमास्वान् Ex: By extension, This river waters a country, a great country, etc बनपथ Ex: FLOODING also told the overflowing waters बह्र Ex: Grand rivers that usually carries its waters and keeps its name to the sea बुबुर Ex: Great waters are said of the special flood rivers, rivers भुविसू Ex: He also said the ground layer from sand, rocks or mud that covers the waters of the sea, a lake, a river at a given location म Ex: He returned waters मृदुल Ex: Hydraulic Architecture, Art making machine for conducting waters उ: महागौरी रूप में देवी करूणामयी, स्नेहमयी, शांत और मृदुल दिखती हैं। रत्नगर्भ Ex: In terms of Marine, Walking in the waters of a vessel, Taking the same route as him रत्ननायक Ex: In terms of strategy, Gentle flooding, Release the waters around a square, a position to prevent the enemy approaches to रत्नराशि Ex: In terms of the Navy, The waters of a ship रयि Ex: It did play great waters लखमीतात Ex: It drains the waters of this earth, and he took them in his garden लबणकर Ex: It is also said of the opening gives way out of the waters of a pond, a fountain, etc लबणांभ Ex: It is said by extension, but only in the plural, the place where we will take these waters लवणजल Ex: It is said that A building stands, gets in waters of another, when steering or it enters the same track; and even taking the waters follow a building वरुणावास Ex: It is, in addition, waters returning to their bed after climbing after overflowed वरुणोद Ex: It made great trenches through the marshes to dry it, so that the waters might flow वर्णसि Ex: It was particularly hot mineral waters वर्हा Ex: Joining waters by talking about a river, a river, the waters of a Another river, another river वह्निमारक Ex: Lateral Canal Canal fed by the waters of a river from which it follows the course वा रनाथ Ex: Leave the slope waters to वाः Ex: lost Well, Well, the bottom is sandy and where the waters are lost वाटर Ex: Natural mineral waters उ: झील में पर्यटक वाटर स्पोर्टस का आनंद ले सकते हैं। वाराशि Ex: Pierre belonging to calcium deposits precipitated by spring waters वारिराशि Ex: Recognize the field; feel, test the waters वारींवद्र Ex: Regenerate in the waters of baptism वार्द्घि Ex: spa, institution where the we just take the waters वार्धि Ex: Submerge land, a country overflowing waters वेष्प Ex: Summer Resorts, frequented waters Stations summer वेष्य Ex: Take the waters शंखी Ex: The countries that river waters शरलक Ex: The drying up of the waters शीतोत्तम Ex: The flow and the reflux; periodic movement of water from the sea, by which the waters rise and fall, usually twice a day, and, in turn, cover and leave the shore सतीक Ex: The French waters, the waters England, A certain area of the sea considered a territory belonging to any country washed by the sea सदनि Ex: The gushing waters समुद्र Ex: The lower waters उ: यहां की समुद्र सतह से ऊंचाई है। सरणयु Ex: The neighborhood of this factory has contaminated the waters of the creek सरस् Ex: The nymphs of the woods, waters सरिदभर्ता Ex: The overflowing waters covered in a moment the whole campaign सरिद्वत् Ex: The overflowing waters imprisoned us in a narrow space सर्णसि, सर्णीक Ex: The passage of the bridge is prohibited during many waters सलिलनिधि Ex: The sound of the wind and the waters were a wild concert which flattered my ears सलिलराशि Ex: The storm raises the waters सवणांबुगशि Ex: The waters already at the height of the first floor सामंद Ex: The waters are very pure in this country सिंधुनाथ Ex: The waters come to the first floor सिंधुराज Ex: The waters destroyed the embankment, pavement सुधानिधि Ex: The waters épandirent on both banks of the river सेँधु Ex: The waters had invaded the land सेँधुर Ex: The waters have decreased although, are receding floods स्तिभि Ex: The waters of a river स्मृतिक Ex: The waters of that country are unhealthy स्रोतपत Ex: The waters of the river, down by dykes, have receded in the campaigns हिरण्यद Ex: The waters of the sea stayed a long time on this part of the earth
Other : जलक्षेत्र Ex: Atlantic, and Indian Oceans, or by the southern waters of the World Ocean. उ: टूना एवं डॉल्फ़िन प्रायः एक ही जलक्षेत्र में मिलती हैं। वरुण Ex: It is said, by analogy, a thing which stretches which overlaps another, primarily the waters that come to cover a neighboring property उ: ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, रुद्र, सविता, मित्र, वरुण है।
Waters ki paribhasha : vah jalaraashi jo prathvi ko chaaron or se ghere hue hai aur jo is prathvital ke praayaः tin chaturthaansh men vyaapt hai ek prasiddh drav jo paaradarshaka, nirgndh aur svaadarahit hota hai
ExamplesUsage of Waters in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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