Waves meaning in hindi
As noun : अंबुधि Ex: In the ionosphere radio waves are reflected.
अंबुनिधि Ex: Infrared waves have long wavelength than visible light. अंबुभृत् Ex: Boisterous winds and waves अप्पति Ex: the waves laved the shore अबुप Ex: The noise was coming from the lapping of the waves on the beach and against the boats. अबुपति Ex: A lot of spume was produced when the waves hit the shore. अभोराशी Ex: polarize light waves अर्णवपति Ex: The waves formed a wall of water आपनिधि Ex: Sound waves are studied in Physics. आपपति Ex: Sonic waves travels very fast. उदन्वान् Ex: Short waves are used in radio stations. ऊर्ब Ex: It is pleasant to watch the waves in the sea कूलंकष Ex: The waves licked my feet. क्षीरनिधि Ex: The waves swept over us and nearly drowned us . गंगाधर Ex: The waves nearly swept us away . उ: भारत लौट कर सबसे पहले पूना जाकर वे लोकमान्य बाल गंगाधर तिलक से मिले। चंद्रजनक Ex: Lake masters recounted that waves reached at least 35 feet in height. जलपति Ex: Consequent waves of German settlements जलरास Ex: Describing such more general waves is not an easy task. जलेश Ex: Radar detects objects at a distance by bouncing radio waves off them. झषनिकेत Ex: Radio waves are a form of electromagnetic radiation तरंत Ex: The surface waves can be clearly seen to reinforce near the antipode तिमिकोश Ex: The tallest waves were reported 14 feet high. तिमिमाली Ex: A total of 353 Japanese planes in two waves reached Oahu. तोयधि Ex: In Lagos, the waves reached the top of the city walls. तोयनिधि Ex: In addition to these "normal" waves तोयराज Ex: However in 2006–2007 Venus Express clearly detected whistler mode waves धरणीप्लव Ex: Shell Oil Company measured waves 70-75 feet high during this intense cyclone. धुनीनाथ Ex: The storm surge and waves from Katrina also obliterated the Chandeleur Islands नदनदीपति Ex: Hurricane Mitch sent waves of up to 22 feet in height to the coast. नदपति Ex: Strong waves hit western Jamaica नदराज Ex: Strong waves damaged or destroyed many docks on the south shore of the islands नदीकांत Ex: Combined with waves on top नदीनिवास Ex: The receiving mayor then waves the flag eight times. नदीपति Ex: The speed of sound depends on the medium through which the waves are passing नीरनिधि Ex: In the 1800s Nicaragua experienced several waves of immigration परांगब Ex: Some types of seismic waves पाथनाथ Ex: As waves cross boundaries between different media पाथरासि Ex: As waves are not affected by gravity पाथि Ex: Prolonged exposure to high winds and waves led to moderate beach erosion पृथिवीप्लव Ex: Both the first and second waves of migrants were mainly Orthodox Jews पेयु Ex: There have been many large-scale waves of emigration from Iraq पेरु Ex: The winter can bring prolonged cold waves उ: यह एक समुद्री पवन हैं जो पेरु एवं चिली के पश्चिमी तटों पर चलती हैं। प्रतीचीपति Ex: English colonists were supplemented by waves of Scotch-Irish and other groups. प्रशत्त्वा, प्रशवा Ex: The building withstood the surge of three tsunami waves . प्राणमास्वान् Ex: A ship that cuts through the water, which cleaves the waves बनपथ Ex: Big time said when the wind is violent and the waves are very strong बह्र Ex: Big waves भुविसू Ex: Calming the waves रत्नगर्भ Ex: He also said, figuratively, the noise that are the waves of the sea, winds, torrents, etc रत्ननायक Ex: His angry waves रत्नराशि Ex: In terms of Physics, he designated the transmission waves or currents with intermediate stations लखमीतात Ex: It also says that the waves form a liquid when is agitated, when he falls springs or लबणकर Ex: It says above the waves of the sea लबणांभ Ex: It was swallowed by the waves लवणजल Ex: Marine Produce a wake, cutting, splitting the waves advancing वरुणावास Ex: Marine violent waves back to sea after they hit a land with violence, an obstacle वरुणोद Ex: Moire large, small waves वा रनाथ Ex: Moire small waves वाराशि Ex: Preamble says, and by extension colloquially, waves Speech, which have nothing determinate, which will point at the fact, not so much preambles, just the fact वारिराशि Ex: Religious ceremonies of this tribe are reduced to mummeries waves वारींवद्र Ex: RIPPLE is said, by extension, all that mimics the movement of the waves वार्द्घि Ex: SEA FOAM is said, by extension, the whitish mass of seaweed and polyps reject the waves on the shore वार्धि Ex: Serious accusations, light, waves शंखी Ex: Split the waves of a large audience समुद्र Ex: Splitting the waves उ: मालदीव में समुद्र जीवन की अद्भुत विविधता है। सरिदभर्ता Ex: Stir, move like the waves सरिद्वत् Ex: thank you to the waves सलिलनिधि Ex: The angry waves of सलिलराशि Ex: The foam of the waves सवणांबुगशि Ex: The foaming waves सामंद Ex: The hair in waves सिंधुनाथ Ex: The moving waves of the sea सिंधुराज Ex: The power of the wind, the waves सुधानिधि Ex: The sea just offshore, The waves driven by the wind from the sea, and not that of the earth सेँधु Ex: The ships sail on the waves सेँधुर Ex: The sound of waves स्तिभि Ex: The spiral waves twisted columns स्रोतपत Ex: The undulating waves , wheat हिरण्यद Ex: The waves of the sea after a storm
Waves ki paribhasha : vah jalaraashi jo prathvi ko chaaron or se ghere hue hai aur jo is prathvital ke praayaः tin chaturthaansh men vyaapt hai
ExamplesUsage of Waves in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi.
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