Ways meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Ways
As noun : चालढाल Ex:  I looked both ways and eased on out .
तौर तरीका Ex:  In many ways students in 1989 पोत संतरण मंच Ex:  Marshalling can be done in a number of ways रंगढंग Ex:  It was argued that it kept the natives in non-profitable ways of life रवैया ‡ Ex:  If there are two ways
Other : ढब Ex:  This one varies from that one in many ways . तरीके Ex:  The backends are the ways in which data is sent to the printer. उ:   गुलाब जामुन दो तरीके से बनते हैं। रंग Ex:  In many ways a cut-down BBC Micro उ:   इनका रंग सफेद और कद मझोला होता है। रविश Ex:  There are ten ways in which a batsman may be dismissed. रहन Ex:  Pope Pius XII went often new ways उ:   अतः इन मिशनरियों ने इनके रहन सहन को प्रभावित किया। लटका Ex:  Colors vary in several different ways उ:   वो नींबू को लटका कर उस लकड़ी के शरीर के जगह को ढूंढ निकालता है।
Usage of Ways in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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