Weakened meaning in hindi
As noun : कम किया हुआ Ex:  Although the rights of peasants were initially weakened
विच्छर्दित Ex:  France was weakened internally by the Wars of Religion. सांक्षेपिक Ex:  Labor was weakened and divided as a result.
As verb : कमज़ोर हुआ Ex:  Some observers believe that the Purges weakened the Red Army considerably पतला किया हुआ Ex:  Two Opium Wars with Britain weakened the Emperor's control. ह्रास द्वारा दूषित Ex:  These illnesses so weakened Roosevelt that
Other : लटा Ex:  The Ogaden War weakened the Somali military.
ExamplesUsage of Weakened in sentences
The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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