Wealth meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Wealth
As noun : अत्थड़ी Ex:  the acquisition of wealth
अत्थड़ी Ex:  the acquisition of wealth अपथप्रपन्न Ex:  It is a book with wealth of information. अर्बदर्ब Ex:  He vouchsafed to his friend all his wealth अर्बदर्ब Ex:  He vouchsafed to his friend all his wealth आढ्यता Ex:  He gave all his wealth to the trust. इमलाक Ex:  The mahajan hoarded his wealth in a coffer. Ex:  He always flaunts his wealth to others. कमीवेशी Ex:  He has taken wealth insurace. किंचन्य Ex:  His brother took all his wealth covetously किंचन्य Ex:  His brother took all his wealth covetously कैपिटल Ex:  She came into lot of wealth after her mothers death. उ:   उद्योग धंधो को चलाने के लिये कैपिटल चहिये होता है। कैपिटल Ex:  She came into lot of wealth after her mothers death. उ:   उद्योग धंधो को चलाने के लिये कैपिटल चहिये होता है। गर्थ Ex:  He endowed her with wealth and ornaments. गुहिल Ex:  The junkyard had a wealth of used car parts . गुहिल Ex:  The junkyard had a wealth of used car parts . गृहसार Ex:  In addition to the potential for literacy to increase wealth गेह्य Ex:  This often coincides with the region's wealth or urbanization दर्बा Ex:  National Capital RegionOttawa is home to a wealth of national museums दौलत Ex:  The partnership's size and wealth drew much attention. उ:   ताकी उसकी सारी दौलत उसे मिल जाये। दौलतमंदी Ex:  Having ransacked the island and plundered all its wealth Ex:  Although Tilden had been born to wealth Ex:  Although Tilden had been born to wealth धन दौलत Ex:  When costs are normalized for wealth and inflation, it still ranks third today. धन सम्पत्ति Ex:  It is marked by economic wealth धन Ex:  Cattle are traditionally important symbols of wealth and status. उ:   अपना सभी धन वो दान करती है। धनाधिकार Ex:  This soil is the source of a wealth of agricultural products नाणा Ex:  Fine-textured food was also associated with wealth नृम्ण Ex:  Although cash crops can expand a nation's wealth परिर्बह Ex:  Only a handful of African states reached new levels of wealth पितृदाय Ex:  Some consider cattle the oldest form of wealth पृक्त Ex:  But some wealth is inherently fruitful पृक्त Ex:  But some wealth is inherently fruitful पृक्थ Ex:  If real-world wealth can be used to obtain greater पृक्थ Ex:  If real-world wealth can be used to obtain greater फारिग उल बाली Ex:  Ford left most of his vast wealth to the Ford Foundation बहुलता Ex:  Great wealth prompted architectural styles to be influenced from abroad. उ:   यहाँ धार्मिक संस्कृति के लोगों की बहुलता है। बाहुल्य Ex:  Due to his family's relative wealth उ:   इसका जिनमें बाहुल्य हैं, वे नरपशु है। मात्राभस्त्री Ex:  Monasteries represented a source of wealth as well as prestige. मूल्यक Ex:  With its wealth in oil and diamonds रयि Ex:  As the cities grew in wealth and power रैवत्य Ex:  The latter has a wealth of natural resources रैवत्य Ex:  The latter has a wealth of natural resources वनन Ex:  Raiding was important in a society where cattle was wealth . वाहुल्य Ex:  A man of great wealth वितु ‡ Ex:  Agriculture, industry, are trade the essential factors of wealth of a country वितु ‡ Ex:  Agriculture, industry, are trade the essential factors of wealth of a country वित्तमात्रा Ex:  Corinthian Order, One of the five orders of architecture which, in its proportions and decorations, presents the idea of the greatest wealth वित्तमात्रा Ex:  Corinthian Order, One of the five orders of architecture which, in its proportions and decorations, presents the idea of the greatest wealth श्रीवृद्धि Ex:  Gaining wealth संपती Ex:  He inherited great wealth संपत्ति Ex:  He lavished all the wealth that his father had amassed उ:   बंसल के करीबी सिंगला अकूत संपत्ति के मालिक हैं। संपन्नता Ex:  His wealth consists of annuities on the state उ:   युद्ध के बाद, फ्रैंकफर्ट ने अपनी संपन्नता वापस पा ली। समापना Ex:  His wealth has quadrupled in recent years सरमाया Ex:  His wife had brought him great wealth सहनभंड़ार, सहनभँडार Ex:  House abundant wealth साति Ex:  I immolai it all, wealth , honors, etc साति Ex:  I immolai it all, wealth , honors, etc सोनाचांदी Ex:  It also means the sum of wealth owned by an individual, a nation
Other : अर्थ Ex:  Exorbitance of wealth spoils the behavior of a gentleman. उ:   इस अर्थ में उन्हें राष्ट्रवादी भी कहा जा सकता है। आगत Ex:  a beggars masquerade of wealth द्रव्य Ex:  "Sugar-baker" implies wealth उ:   द्रव्य गुणों का आश्रय है। धन सम्पति Ex:  London grew in wealth and population during the Middle Ages. धन-दौलत Ex:  Siddhartha felt that material wealth was not the ultimate goal of life. उ:   वह धन-दौलत को लेकर लोगों के भेदभाव नहीं करती थी। धन-सम्पत्ति Ex:  Financial wealth is generally concentrated in the hands of a small elite. उ:   मैं अपनी धन-सम्पत्ति के अनुसार आपकी पूजा करूँगा। माल मता Ex:  Smith also described real wealth माल Ex:  It exceeded its predecessors in terms of territory and wealth उ:   चीन में अत्यधिक मात्रा में अमेरिकी माल आ रहे थे। मालियत Ex:  He agreed with Hume that capital, not gold, is the wealth of a nation. रुपया Ex:  Part of the wealth of the Dutch came through slavery. उ:   रखो एक रुपया यहाँ, हक है मेरा। वित्त Ex:  BUSINESS, plural, usually called All the things that concern wealth and interests of the public and individuals उ:   यह एक वाणिज्य, वित्त एवं व्यापार संबंधी चैनल है। विभव Ex:  depleting the wealth of a country उ:   इस स्थिति में विभव का मान अधिकतम होता है। वैभव Ex:  disdaining greatness, wealth उ:   वहीं कस्बे के स्वर्णिम अतीत के वैभव की दास्तां बयां कर रहा है। श्री Ex:  earlier today told Exceed however, we kept saying: Contentment passes wealth उ:   श्री अरविन्द इसी दम्पति के पुत्र थे। संपदा Ex:  His talent makes all his wealth उ:   यह नदी प्राकृतिक संपदा से भरपूर है। सम्पत्ति Ex:  His wealth is land, is values उ:   वंशावली नारी से चलती है और सम्पत्ति की स्वामिनी भी नारी होती है। सोना Ex:  It acquired so much wealth at the expense of his reputation, honor उ:   मेनाडो में सोना मिलता है।
Wealth ki paribhasha : hindi ya varnamaala ka unnisavaaan vynjan aur tavarg ka chautha varn jisaka uchchaaran sthaan dntamool hai vah padaarth jo kriya aur gun athava keval gun ka aashray ho bhara poora ya snpann hone ka bhaav vah vastu ya vastuon ki saashti jisase kisi upayogi ya isht arth ki siddhi hoti hai aur jo shrama, pooanji ya samay lagaane se praapt hoti hai visheshataः adhik parimaan men snchit upayog ko saamagri
Usage of Wealth in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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