Wealthy meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Wealthy
As noun : अकृशलक्ष्मी Ex:  Bill gates is a wealthy man.
आक्षद्यूतिक Ex:  Although once among Virginia's wealthy elite ऐश्वर्यवान् Ex:  Born to a wealthy family in Paris दौलतमंद Ex:  With the help of the wealthy Fugger family फारिग उल बाल Ex:  Indiana, to a wealthy Episcopalian family वितत Ex:  Biblical narratives represent Abraham as a wealthy विनिवृत्त Ex:  La Grenade prospered as a wealthy French colony शीलित Ex:  Much of the land was owned by a few very wealthy landowners श्रीपाद Ex:  Although she had become wealthy from her radio and modeling success संपद Ex:  Many wealthy Argentines did this संपन्न Ex:  The education system of the wealthy ancient Greeks is also called Paideia. उ:   प्राचीन काल में भारत एक संपन्न देश था। संपन्नक Ex:  The wealthy were generally disliked because of this संराद्ध Ex:  On its northeast border are the wealthy communities of Grosse Pointe. सुविहित Ex:  Another wealthy community is located just east of the city, in Grosse Pointe. हैसियतदार Ex:  While the city is relatively wealthy compared to the rest of the country
As adjective : अकृशलक्ष्मी Ex:  Bill gates is a wealthy man. अरध्र Ex:  The accountant embezzled thousands of dollars while working for the wealthy family अवस्थापन Ex:  It was named after Daun Penh , a wealthy widow. उ:   यह उस नगर का प्रथम अवस्थापन था जो बाद में वर्तमान डेनवर बना। जरदार Ex:  Joyce's father and paternal grandfather both married into wealthy families. धनपात्र Ex:  It has many wealthy residents and Edwardian-style mansions. धनराज Ex:  Other wealthy residential suburbs धनवान Ex:  Sergei Diaghilev was born to a wealthy family in Selischi उ:   और धनवान व्यक्ति ही जीने का सुख पाता है। परिबृंहित Ex:  The only major stone-built area was the wealthy centre of the City भूरिधन Ex:  The wealthy Judean Joseph of Arimathea भूरिभाग Ex:  Upscale resorts are aimed at the wealthy मायापात्र Ex:  Hungary, to a wealthy non-practicing Jewish family. रईस Ex:  Many of these had belonged to wealthy families उ:   रईस के लिए संगीत राम सम्पत ने दिया है। लव्धोदय Ex:  Muhammad's decision was that those who were wealthy शिवगति Ex:  His family was both wealthy and well-established समृद्ध Ex:  Many wealthy Habaneros took their inspiration from the French उ:   इसका इतिहास काफी पुराना व समृद्ध है। हैसियतदार Ex:  While the city is relatively wealthy compared to the rest of the country
Other : अमीर Ex:  they have the illusion that I am very wealthy उ:   एक खट्टे फल विटामिन सी में अमीर - प्रतापगढ़ "आँवला" पैदा करता है। दौलतमन्द Ex:  Jarrah was born in Mazraa, Lebanon, to a wealthy family. धनढ्य Ex:  3, 4, and 7, include the most wealthy and developed parts of the city. धनाढ्य Ex:  Joséphine, was born in Martinique to a family of the wealthy Creole elite. उ:   यह बड़े उद्योगपति थे और धनाढ्य भी। धनिक Ex:  It grew into the wealthy colony of Saint-Domingue उ:   धनिक व मम्मट ने इन्हें उद्धृत किया है। मालामाल Ex:  His family was moderately wealthy वैभव Ex:  His parents, Gregory and Nonna, were wealthy land-owners. उ:   संकिशा ने अब अपना वैभव खो दिया और मात्र ग्राम रूप में शेष है।
Wealthy ki paribhasha : vah jisake paas riyaasat ya ilaaka ho mahaabhaarat ke anusaar ek naag ka naam
Usage of Wealthy in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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