Wear meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Wear
As noun : अंकूलना Ex:  I like to wear cornelian brooches.
अनुमति देना Ex:  She has costly jewellery and moreover a good personality to wear it well. आसादन Ex:  In winter,people wear gaberdines. इस्तेमाल Ex:  House wives wear aprons while cooking. उ:   इसका इस्तेमाल अंगूठी और लॉकेट बनाने में होता है। उज्जना Ex:  In summer I prefer to wear cotton clothes. कमजोर होना Ex:  I used to wear specs while travelling. गणवेश Ex:  I wear gloves in winter. गात्रकर्षण Ex:  We can not wear sopping clothes. घिसा होना Ex:  Gandhji used to wear mufthi. घीस जाना Ex:  Indian fielders sometimes wear a sunhat चित्या Ex:  They wear an ankle-length जवान दिखना Ex:  Omani men may wear a variety of head dresses. जान Ex:  Omani men, on the whole, wear sandals on their feet. उ:   ये सब आज तक कोई नहीं जान पाया। टिकाऊ होना Ex:  Women wear an ankle-length dress टिकाऊपन Ex:  "He did not wear the Adam Smith necktie". ठवनापु Ex:  People wear white clothes डड़ियाना Ex:  The wear rate of enamel त्रीघटना Ex:  The presiding officer may also wear a wig निखूटनापु Ex:  Players also wear masks that resemble blindfolds with holes for the eyes. निपाना Ex:  Bengali women commonly wear the shaŗi and the salwar kameez निरथाना Ex:  Certain types almost never show traces of wear परिहण ‡ Ex:  As part of their uniform, players wear shirts called guernseys. पहनावा Ex:  Some Federal Service recruiters wear military ribbons पुराना होना Ex:  This has resulted in wear and potholes appearing on many Bucharest roads पोशिश Ex:  Members of the Order wear elaborate costumes on important occasions प्रातिधान Ex:  Bengali women commonly wear the shaŗi and the salwar kameez बनवना ‡पु Ex:  To prevent wear and tear, the ending of horizontal strokes are also thickened. बनाना Ex:  Marine Corps Medal of Honor recipients wear the Navy variant of the award उ:   बाद में सचिवालयों को ४०० गज पीछे खिसकाकर पहाड़ी पर ही बनाना तय हुआ। बनावना Ex:  Marines do not wear unit patches or U.S. flags on any of their uniforms भरनिपु Ex:  's main exports are beverages, foodstuffs, electronics, clothing wear and salt. रखना Ex:  Begin to wear in itself, speaking of a Pregnant woman उ:   यह बौद्ध धर्म के प्राचीन आदर्शों का ज्‍यों त्‍यों बनाए रखना चाहते थे। रुपायन Ex:  Charge, commission say or wear something संवृत्ति Ex:  Garment amazon, or absolutely Amazon, Dress, usually cloth that women wear for riding सकुचना Ex:  He told People usually wear some things सज्जकर्म Ex:  He will not wear away, said of a man by whom we were offended and means we will avenge him before little सन्निवेश Ex:  I wear so much quellement सन्यासन Ex:  If a tile to wear to church समासादन Ex:  If excessive wear to समुत्पत्ति Ex:  If stringing a result of wear सरजाना Ex:  If wear is up, get civil party होना Ex:  In terms of music, it means writing above or below the notes of the low numbers that designate the agreements that these notes should wear उ:   दोनों सिरों के माध्यम से वर्तमान समान होना चाहिए।
As verb : घिस जाना Ex:  He loves to wear on rayon T-shirts. पइहरना Ex:  Women guests may wear cocktail dresses. पहनना Ex:  AFL goal umpires now wear t-shirts and caps उ:   कॉलेज के दिनों से ही खद्दर् पहनना शुरू कर दिया। पिंघना Ex:  Wilder instructed Von Stroheim and Nancy Olson to wear their own clothing. पैँधना Ex:  Anita makes Maria a dress to wear to the neighborhood dance. पैनणा Ex:  These regulated what people could wear पैन्हना ‡ Ex:  Jains wear unstitched cloth pieces when performing religious ceremonies. पैहरना Ex:  In ancient Rome, for instance, only certain ranks could wear rings पैहेरना ‡ Ex:  As with the grenadiers, Carabiniers were required to wear moustaches. फड़ना Ex:  In urban areas, many women and men wear Western attire. भाव होना Ex:  Action to wear भेपना Ex:  adjectively schoolboy applied, applied Worker, Who used to wear his attention to everything he does हंडना Ex:  In terms of Hunting, Leave the button Allow means to wear the button by which recognize the hunters of the same group
Other : कट फट या घिसावट Ex:  I prefer to wear clip-on earrings. कपड़े Ex:  The workers in coal mines wear gas mask. उ:   इसके बाद कपड़े को तीन अलग-अलग लॉट बनाए जाते हैं। कपडे Ex:  Ladies wear kilt in many parts of India. उ:   वहां लोग कपडे के थैली में धन रखकर उसको देते थे। क्षय करना Ex:  Ancient sages used to wear clogs. खा जाना Ex:  Priests usually wear flowing robes. घिसना Ex:  Malaysian and Indonesian men and women wear sarongs. घिसाई Ex:  Fawn is a soothing colour to wear in summer. घिसाव Ex:  Gatherers are not allowed to wear wetsuits or even put their heads underwater. चलना Ex:  Joan agreed to wear women's clothes when she abjured. छीजना Ex:  Women wear hijabs and abayas. जीर्ण होना Ex:  The Dhofari women rarely wear a birka but the older ladies ज़्यादा चलना Ex:  Women wear long skirts, typically dyed brown. थकाना Ex:  In non-Orthodox communities, some women have also begun to wear kippot. धारण करना Ex:  Unlike the women, men would wear various ornaments in their hair. पहनाव Ex:  Women typically wear the sari उ:   यहां का स्थानीय पहनाव धोती एवं कुर्ता है। प्रकट होना Ex:  Washington did not wear a wig प्रयोग में होना Ex:  Professional players wear very different shoes for the three surfaces. रगडना Ex:  Black Mulberries are called Mulberries wearing black blackberries and white mulberries Those who wear white mulberries रगड़ Ex:  Borrow wear रगड़ना Ex:  Breaking the line, If wear too forward, or stay too far back in the general direction of the रूपधरण करना Ex:  Discalced Carmelites or Discalced, Carmelite of the reform of Saint Teresa, who wear no low point and have as sandals विघर्षण होना Ex:  Discard the view of something, wear his eyes on something व्यय करना Ex:  He likes to wear perfume शरीर परधारण करना Ex:  Flushing Make someone or wear something
Wear ki paribhasha : shatarnj ya chausar aadi khelon men kisi mohare ya goti aadi ko apane sthaan se badhaana ya hataanaa, athava taash ya gnjiphe aadi khelon men kisi patte ko khel ke kaamon ke liye sab khelanevaalon ke saamane phenkana vah sthaan jahaaan maarg milen chauraaha ek vastu ko doosari vastu par rakhakar khoob dabaate hooe idhar udhar phiraana kisi nukoli vastu se rokha ke roop men chihn karana parishram karaate karaate ashakt karaana oopar pahanane ke mukhy mukhy kapade pradhaan sattaarthak kriya kisi vastu par ya kisi vastu ke andar doosari vastu sthit karana kapade athava gahane ko sharir par dhaaran karana
Usage of Wear in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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