Wearied meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Wearied
As noun : उचाकु Ex:  We soon wearied of chicken twice a week .
उचाट Ex:  Our troops wearied the enemy the stubbornness of their defense कुम्हलाया Ex:  You have wearied me with your ears tales चितभंग मुरदादिली
As verb : अलसौंहा Ex:  The boy was wearied of pedalling the cycle. क्लांत Ex:  You have wearied the woman by your pursuits ग्लपित तंद्रो प्रश्लथ सतंद्र सांगग्लानि सादित हसीर
Other : कष्ट देना Ex:  The soldiers wearied many in this march चकनाचूर थकाना थकित निढाल उ:   थके-माँदे वे एक शयन-कक्ष में जाकर निढाल हो गए। मुरझाया म्लान शल्ल शिथिलित सश्रम स्थकित हैरान उ:   जब ये खबर जमुना को मिलती है तो वो हैरान रह जाती है।
Wearied ki paribhasha : parishram karaate karaate ashakt karaana
Usage of Wearied in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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