Wedding meaning in hindi
As noun : अक्दे Ex:  The celebritys wedding was full of glitz.
उपयापन Ex:  She showed me her wedding album. ऊढ़ि Ex:  This is their 25th wedding anniversary. करग्रह Ex:  They showed me their wedding photos. करपीड़न Ex:  There was a wedding in the offing. दारकर्म Ex:  Betsy liked her wedding ring. दारग्रहण Ex:  she enjoyed the wedding vicariously दारपिरग्रह Ex:  In 1981, the Prince and Princess celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. दारसंग्रह Ex:  Even Rachele Mussolini donated her own wedding ring. पर्नन Ex:  1950. The couple had a public wedding on May 10 पाणिग्रहण Ex:  437 staff were employed for the wedding reception पाणिपीड़न Ex:  These also include wedding cantatas पात्रौकरण Ex:  Gretzky obtained American citizenship after the wedding प्राणिग्रह Ex:  2002, with a wedding in St Paul's Church in Covent Garden, London. बरकाज Ex:  A second wedding was held in Los Angeles two weeks later. बिबाह Ex:  Capoeira Angola has roots in the wedding rituals of the Bantu tribe ब्याउ Ex:  Philip was assassinated at the wedding of his daughter ब्याह Ex:  Thomas Kearney, and later, on Victor's wedding night, kills his wife Elizabeth. उ: उसने पति से पूछा कि अब बेटी का ब्याह कैसे होगा। वाधुवय, वाधूवय Ex:  Olivier recounted in his autobiography the disappointments of his wedding night विवाह Ex:  The wedding was January 29 उ: विवाह हो जाने के बाद कन्या 'भार्या' कहलाती है। वीवाह Ex:  Shilovsky's wedding may व्याह Ex:  Less than a year after the wedding उ: गाँव की सभी लड़कियों का व्याह होता है। हस्तग्रह Ex:  A village wedding हस्तेकरण Ex:  be invited to attend a wedding
Other : परिणय Ex:  A wedding planned for November 8, 1974, was called off. उ: दो साल बाद दोनों १९६९ में परिणय सूत्र में बंध गए। शादी Ex:  Shortly after their October 1977 wedding in Baton Rouge उ: वो शादी और महिलाओं की देवी थीं।
Wedding ki paribhasha : ek pratha jisake anusaar stri aur puroosh aapas men daanpaty sootr men bandhate hai
ExamplesUsage of Wedding in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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