Wedlock meaning in hindi
As noun : अक्दे Ex: Galileo fathered three children out of wedlock with Marina Gamba.
उपयापन Ex: Born out of wedlock in rural Argentina in 1919 ऊढ़ि Ex: ALLIER mean particularly by uniting wedlock करपीड़न Ex: Change in status of a natural child that his parents recognize by subsequent marriage, and acquires thereby the rights of children born in lawful wedlock दारकर्म Ex: natural Brother, one who was not born in lawful wedlock दारग्रहण Ex: Natural Child, Child who was not born in lawful wedlock दारपिरग्रह Ex: They are united by wedlock दारसंग्रह Ex: Who is born out of wedlock परिणय सूत्र पर्नन पाणिग्रहण पाणिपीड़न पात्रौकरण प्राणिग्रह बरकाज बिबाह वाधुवय, वाधूवय विवाह उ: यह विवाह राजनीतिक था। वीवाह व्याह हस्तग्रह हस्तेकरण
Other : गठबंधन Ex: Daughter mother who had a child out of wedlock उ: महाशिवरात्रि के दिन नया गठबंधन किया जाता है। परिणय
Wedlock ki paribhasha : vivaah men ek riti jisamen var aur badhou ke vastron ke chhor ko paraspar milaakar gaaanth baaandhate hain kisi vastu ko jis disha men chaahe chalaana ek pratha jisake anusaar stri aur puroosh aapas men daanpaty sootr men bandhate hai
ExamplesUsage of Wedlock in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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