Weight meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Weight
As noun : अग्रहर Ex:  Take that weight off me!
आर्टिकिल Ex:  the force of weight between two objects. उरेहनापु Ex:  Let out that dress--I gained a lot of weight काष्ठभार Ex:  You seem to be putting on a little weight . गुरुत्व Ex:  You look like you're gaining weight . उ:   कम गुरुत्व शक्ति के कारण इनमें ऐसा होता है। गुरुभाव Ex:  I think I am putting on a little weight . गुलचानापु Ex:  The doctor says I need to put some weight on . घेवरनापु Ex:  I think I'm putting on a little weight . झोँकी Ex:  The original M1928s were M1921s with weight added to the actuator डंडाकुंडा Ex:  In either case, there is 'cell starvation', weight loss, sometimes extreme. तुलामान Ex:  Alcibiades, while condemned as a traitor, still carried weight in Athens. तैयार करना Ex:  There are no weight categories or age limits. तौल Ex:  No weight classes existed for the wrestling competition उ:   राज्य की ओर से तौल और मान में आदर्श रूप प्रस्तुत किया गया था। दब Ex:  The weight of the M1 varies between and unloaded दम Ex:  At 1% of the whale's total body weight उ:   "वह मरते दम तक बौद्धिककार्यावाह बने रहे। दमथ Ex:  In free fall, objects lack weight but retain their mass. दाब Ex:  The Red Guards collapsed under the weight of the assault उ:   गैसों में दाब और आयतन दोनों का प्रसरण होता है। धकिया Ex:  The weight force that we actually sense is not the downward force of gravity नदीतरस्थान Ex:  Under the elephant's weight the foot swells परभाइ Ex:  Using the sticks to support the weight of their bodies पार्थव Ex:  Mandela lent his weight to the 46664 campaign against AIDS उ:   पार्थव और आध्यात्मिक में निरन्तर द्वन्द्व बना रहेगा। पौतव Ex:  Increased maximum takeoff weight प्रभाय Ex:  However, the manus is clearly designed for grasping, not weight support. प्रभाव Ex:  Boeing states that this design saves weight and reduces complexity. उ:   इसका कारण डेल्टा का प्रभाव है। प्रभुत Ex:  This lessens the activity needed for feeding, resulting in weight gain. प्रसंजन Ex:  Wolf weight and size can vary greatly worldwide बट्ट ‡ Ex:  Critics claim that they allow the lifter to use more weight than they should. बाट Ex:  In other areas where there was a greater weight of population movement उ:   बाट के तरह की कई वस्तुएँ मिली हैं। भार तोलन इकाई Ex:  He made frequent use of laxatives as a means of controlling his weight भार से दबाना Ex:  Improved materials help to keep disc weight down. भार Ex:  This further increases the weight and cost of such an installation. उ:   इसी बीच में श्रीकृष्ण ने पृथ्वी का भार उतारा। भारी वस्तु Ex:  Plied with drugs to control her weight and increase her productivity भारीपन Ex:  A measurement of weight that equals a thousand grams उ:   इस से पेट फूल जाता है और भारीपन महसूस होता है। मंत्रबल Ex:  A measurement of weight that is worth ten thousand grams मस्ति Ex:  A weight of one hundred grams महत Ex:  A weight which counterbalances another महत्व Ex:  Arithmetic measurement of weight that is ten grams उ:   प्राणायाम का योग में बहुत महत्व है। महिम Ex:  By extension, in terms of Marine Moving a vessel, the weight of the volume of water displaced by a ship रस्न Ex:  Consider the weight of something, bring it to a specific weight रिस्क Ex:  Do me right weight रोबदाब Ex:  electrochemical equivalent is called a metal on which the metal weight In electrolysis, is brought to the electrode by a given amount of electricity 96,000 Coulombs or Faraday लगाना Ex:  Experimenting on the weight of the air, to electricity लोहितीक Ex:  FALL also told of Things and means be driven downward by its weight वजन Ex:  Fold, succumbing under the weight उ:   यह कई आकार, वजन आदि में मिता है। वजनदार बनाना Ex:  Having a weight on the heart वट्ट Ex:  He said, specifically, the value of coins in relation to their weight वट्टा Ex:  He said, specifically, Things of that collapse under the weight under the pressure of another, or which are assumed not to be able to support it with an effort वर्तनि Ex:  In terms of Butcher, live weight वसत्त Ex:  In terms of dance, he said the movement in the air that is done with one leg, while the other supports the body weight वस्तु Ex:  In terms of trade, he said weight barrels, crates, containers, vehicles, etc उ:   यह किसी वस्तु पर मानसिक केन्द्रीकरण की अवस्था है। वस्तुगत Ex:  In terms of trade, it means a Certain amount of similar goods, the number or weight is determined by the use विवध Ex:  In terms of Weights and Measures, it is said of a thing that carries its weight by one against whom it is weighing श्वासा Ex:  In terms of Zoology, he said, a fish of the family of Selachians, of a size and a substantial weight of संजा Ex:  It also means character of what great weight उ:   मई के महीने में यहां संजा उत्सव भी मनाया जाता है। सन्निबध Ex:  It also means the weight of four grain, which is used for measurement unit jewelers सन्निवेश Ex:  It also said a small weight that was the seventy-second part of a large सर्शप Ex:  It also said an accounting currency equivalent the weight of a gold talent or a talent of silver सामान्यवचन Ex:  It also tells of a lead weight or tin, as output melting सिरताज Ex:  It has established the unit of weight and measurement
As verb : भार बढाना Ex:  Today the movement has considerably more weight and evidence of its claims
Other : गरुआई Ex:  Sally, you're gaining a little weight . गुरुता Ex:  I'm afraid I'm putting on a little weight . तोल Ex:  Genome size in terms of the weight of nucleotides varies between species. दबाव Ex:  Yet if a participant maintains their natural weight उ:   दबाव बढता गया और इस क्षेत्र में इससे भूकम्प भी आते रहे। बजन Ex:  Since the late 1990s increasing numbers of women have taken up weight training उ:   बजन बढ़ने का एक और बढ़ी कारण हे फास्ट फूड खाना। बटखरा Ex:  Although weight training is similar to bodybuilding बार Ex:  She stated she lost the weight through diet and exercise उ:   बच्चन ने दो बार एम. ए. की उपाधि ग्रहण की है। भर लगाना Ex:  Household ammonia ranges in concentration from 5 to 10 weight percent ammonia. भर Ex:  Allied material weight told heavily in Normandy उ:   उन्हें दुनिया भर से २५०० उपहार मिले। भरी बनाना Ex:  Azeri athletes have particularly excelled in weight lifting भार बढ़ाना Ex:  The United States Department of Agriculture grades them by weight per dozen. महत् Ex:  All the weight is doing on this side महत्त्व Ex:  An authority, a testimony, an example of a great weight उ:   यह महत्त्व अनेक कारणों और दृष्टियों से है। मान Ex:  Some weight estimates ranged as high as 113 tonnes . उ:   ऊर्जा के मान में कोई अंतर नहीं आता। वज़न Ex:  he Instrument Several kinds having different shapes, and for determining from the weight or force उ:   इसका वज़न लगभग ३ कि. होता है। वनज Ex:  I feel a weight that oppresses me and takes away my breath
Weight ki paribhasha : prakrati ka pahala vikaar mahattatv ek padaarth ke tal ke saath doosare padaarth ka tal milana ba itana maan ya adhikaar ki jo baat chaahe kar ya kara sake adhik aavashyak ya parinaamajanak naatak ka kathan ya aakhyaan patthar aadi ka vah tookad jo chijen tolan ke kaam aata hai kisi padaarth ke gurutv ka parimaan dabane ya dabaane ka bhaav ek parimaan jo bis paseri ka hota hai
Usage of Weight in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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