Well versed meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Well versed
As noun : अनुभवी Ex:  He is well versed in playing flute. उ:   अधिक अनुभवी वैद्यों को 'वैद्यराज' कहते हैं।
अनुभावित Ex:  A pilot should be well versed with the airway. अर्थकोविद Ex:  Keralites are well versed and keen participants in the political process कारकरदा Ex:  The one who is well versed in the knowledge of Latin खुरटि सियानी
As adjective : कृतकर्मा Ex:  This doctor is well versed in matters of conscience कृतागम Ex:  Who is well versed in practice of any art, any knowledge that is learned by experience पब्बीन पैराकी प्रवीण उ:   मध्ययुग में राजनयिक कला में सर्वाधिक प्रवीण राज्य वेनिस गणराज्य था। प्रौण हस्तवत्
Well versed ki paribhasha : jisane dekh sunakar jaanakaari praapt ki ho achchha gaane, bajaane ya bolanevaala
Usage of Well versed in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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