Wetting meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Wetting
As noun : अवोद Ex:  Ingmar was locked up in dark closets for infractions such as wetting the bed.
उंदन Ex:  It also means Moisten, stir by wetting with a warm or hot liquid उपस्नेह Ex:  It has that is wetting the lips, the edge of the lips गिलोंणा, गिलोंना Ex:  The wetting the paper before printing गीला करना Ex:  wetting Ship पेशाब करना मूतना लघुशंका व्युंदन
Other : आर्द्रक Ex:  Platinum is used because the glass melt has a natural affinity for wetting it. क्लेदन द्रव्य Ex:  Playing wet finger, play the game of wetting a finger secretly and give then guess which is wet
Wetting ki paribhasha : aarda nakshatrasnbndhi va aadra men utpann
Usage of Wetting in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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