Where meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Where
As noun : जइँ Ex:  We all know where he's coming from .
जतैं Ex:  I don't know where Jane is . जब कि Ex:  I don't know where she found the book . जहाँ Ex:  The boys know where it is . उ:   जहाँ से उन्होंने पीएच. डी. की। जित्थूँ Ex:  Tuck this away where you can find it later . जिधाँ Ex:  Put the X'd out Babbits back where they were . जिस स्थान पर Ex:  LEED and RHEED are also important tools where electrons are used. जेँण Ex:  He next spent around six weeks in Qinzhou , where he wrote over sixty poems.
Other : कहाँ Ex:  He has a factory where pickles are canned. उ:   आज यह कहाँ है कोई नहीं जानता। कहां Ex:  Reap where one has not sown. उ:   अब रैन कहां जो सोवत है। कित Ex:  Puss, puss, where are you. कित्त Ex:  Fleet street is the name of the road where publishing firms are situated in London. कित्थाँ Ex:  every where किधर Ex:  The wall gave in where I kicked it . किस जगह Ex:  Please hide Randy away where no one can find him . कुतः Ex:  Her comments really hit me where I live . केथि Ex:  I know where you're coming from . जहँ Ex:  I don't know where Tom went . उ:   ;मकु तेहि मारग उड़ि परै ,कंत धरैं जहँ पाव। जहां Ex:  I don't know where Anne is . उ:   जहां तक न्यूज की बात है । जिधर Ex:  I know where you're at . उ:   वे दोनों उस दिशा में नाव से बढ़ते गए जिधर से फूल बहकर आया था। जिस जगह Ex:  Washington where it underwent repairs.
Where ki paribhasha : sthaana— soochak ek shabd turnt ke atpann bachche ke rone ka shabd
Usage of Where in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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