Wherever meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Wherever
As noun : कहाँ Ex:  The dog follows him wherever he goes. उ:   इतनी जगह कहाँ है दिल-ए-दाग़दार में।
कित्थाँ Ex:  Armed with early fax machines wherever he went कुतः Ex:  "All are welcome, from wherever you come केथि Ex:  Thus wherever the Scots arrived, all was full of horror and full of savagery". जित Ex:  He left very sorry wherever he spent उ:   जिसमे उन्होंने जित प्राप्त की। जिधर Ex:  He said specifically the First time that wherever you come, or that is received in a company, a meeting where the custom is to pay a fee or provide some joy on entering उ:   बस चले जाओ, जिधर का तुम्हे आदेश है।
As adverb : कहीं भी Ex:  I would use subtext of ideas and go with it wherever I felt it should go. कितहुँ Ex:  Funeral pyres were set up wherever the dead were found. जब जब Ex:  Bringing someone wherever जहाँ कहीं भी Ex:  Bringing someone wherever
Other : जब कभी Ex:  Absolutely, he cheats as he can, wherever he may जहाँ कहीं Ex:  Combined with the auxiliary be, it means Stop, stay wherever जहां कहीं Ex:  establish a multitude of people in some countries wherever जहां जहां Ex:  Go wherever in the case of persons, transport means if in some place to go जिस जिस जगह पर Ex:  In terms of hunting, partridge A who is recovering from a Partridge says that, after his flight, falls wherever
Wherever ki paribhasha : turnt ke atpann bachche ke rone ka shabd
Usage of Wherever in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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