Whimsical meaning in hindi
As adjective : अधृति Ex:  He is a person of whimsical nature.
अभिलुलित Ex:  One was characterized by a fast-paced Ragga-flow accompanied with a whimsical अस्थिर Ex:  , It is a funny gun, It is a strange man and whimsical उ: शास्त्री के आश्वासन ने अस्थिर स्थिति को शांत कर दिया। आचंचल Ex:  It has the whimsical mood आनोजानी Ex:  Man whimsical उल्लल Ex:  substantively, A, a whimsical चलचलिय Ex:  The novelist is whimsical चलचाल Ex:  whimsical Historian झक्की Ex:  whimsical Horse, Horse which is subject to periodic ophthalmia डँवाडोल Ex:  whimsical mood डाँवाडोल Ex:  whimsical story तरंगी तारल दावाँदोल बिचल बिस्थीरु मन मौजी लोकबाह्य विसंष्ठुल सनकी उ: सनकी मनुष्य के विशेष व्यवहार ही असाधारण होते हैं। हावलाबावला
Whimsical ki paribhasha : man ki mauj ke anusaar kaam karanevaala vismayapurn ghatanaa, padaarth ya vastu jon aadami apani dhun ke aage kisi ki na sune man men kabhi kuchh aur kabhi kuchh vichaar karanevaala jaisa man men aave, vaisa karanevaala
ExamplesUsage of Whimsical in sentences
The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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