Whispering meaning in hindi
As noun : कनफुसकी Ex:  I hope they aren't whispering about me .
कानाकानी Ex:  Action whispering कानागोसी Ex:  Their whispering annoy me कानाफूसी Ex:  These people just whispering फुसफुसाहट सरगोशी करता सरगोशी सरसराहट उ: वह प्रकाश, हवा, पत्तियों की सरसराहट हर चीज में संगीत सुन सकता है।
Other : आनाकानी Ex:  The ruling party made a whispering campaign against the leader. उपांशु Ex:  I got my knuckles rapped for whispering too much . कानाबाती फुसफुसहाट फुसफुसाना
Whispering ki paribhasha : itana dhire kahana ki shabd vyakt na ho vyaaktigat roop men vah baat jo kaan ke paas jaakar dhire se kahi jaay saaanp aadi ke reganne ka sa anubhav
ExamplesUsage of Whispering in sentences
The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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