Wick meaning in hindi
As noun : अँधिआरी Ex:  the physician put a wick in the wound to drain it
दीये की बत्ती Ex:  glass vase containing the oil and the wick of a पट्टी Ex:  In terms of Military Engineers and Artillery, Discover, fanning the wick, Discover, through an against-mine, where a mine has been practiced and remove the wick that was to make playing उ: इसे किलोमीटर पट्टी या तरंग भी कहते हैं। प्रतिसरा Ex:  Musket rifle used to say as opposed to Musket wick प्लोत Ex:  Old firearm that was from using a wick बत्ती Ex:  Part of the plate with a musket, which was attached the wick उ: इसे तेल या शुद्ध घी द्वारा रुई की बत्ती से जलाया गया होता है। वचंडी Ex:  Snuff a wick वरड़ा Ex:  The wick of a corkscrew, a crankshaft वाटि Ex:  wick lighter वेष्य Ex:  wick Sale also said
Other : पलीता Ex:  It means removing the tip of the wick when it prevents the candle, the candle, lamp, etc बाती Ex:  Setting fire to the wick उ: दीया और बाती हम में साइड किरदार की भूमिका निभाईहै।
Wick ki paribhasha : lnbi salaayi ke aakaar men bati hui rui ya kapad batti ke aakaar men lapeta hua vah kaagaj jisapar koi mntr likha ho soota,rooi,kapade aadi ki patali chhad ek gahana jo pagadi men lagaaya jaata hai
ExamplesUsage of Wick in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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