Wield meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Wield
As verb : उपयोग करना Ex:  The supermarket giants wield great purchasing power over farmers and processors
खड़ना Ex:  It handles well, he knows wield the chisel, chisel, tip, pen, pencil, brush, sword, saber, weapons चलाना ठोलना डगराना तहबील नषाना फिराना बाँहना मुचाना मोगना रंदना विछाडना संप्रवर्त्तन सियाक सूटना हँड़वाना हँड़ाना
Wield ki paribhasha : kisi ke saath kisi prakaar ka vyavahaar karana parichit aur anurakt karana aisa chalaana ki koi ek nishchitt disha na rahe
Usage of Wield in sentences

The word can be used as verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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