Wilt meaning in hindi
As noun : अकुठाना Ex:  "If the hoar frost grip thy tent / Thou wilt give thanks when night is spent"
कँमलाणी Ex:  This flexibility is seen when plants wilt कुम्हलाना Ex:  The flowers wilt कुम्हिलाना Ex:  wilt fame ग्लपन Ex:  wilt graces of youth झौँराना Ex:  wilt innocence शक्ति खोना शिथिल होना
As verb : निस्तेज पड जाना Ex:  wilt reputation, memory, glory someone
Wilt ki paribhasha : jal ka bilakul na rahana ya bahut kam ho jaana phool ya patti aadi ka ku्mhalaana praphullata rahit hona
ExamplesUsage of Wilt in sentences
The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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