Winnow meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Winnow
As noun : अनाज पचरना Ex:  Large round basket, flat and small board, which is ordinarily used to winnow oats before feeding to horses
उत्कार चुनना पछोरना पैँचना बिलछाना लोढ़ना व्यावृति समाश्रयण
As verb : फटकना
Other : उड़ाना उ:   विंगसूट को उड़ाना किसी स्काइडाइव के लिए काफी जटिल होता है। छनना पछोड़ना
Winnow ki paribhasha : kisi nashe ka piya jaana kisi udnevaali vastu ko udne men pravratt karana gulel ka phita jisamen gulata rakhakar phenkate hain chhoti vastuon ko haatha,chonch aadi se ek ek karake uthaana
Usage of Winnow in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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