Wisdom meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Wisdom
As noun : अंतर्दुष्टि Ex:  The infinite ingenuity of man
Gods infinite wisdom
अकूफ Ex:  Words of wisdom act as a tonic in the times of difficulty. अक्लमंदी Ex:  the ordinary reader is endowed with considerable wisdom and knowledge of the way of the world अवगर Ex:  conventional wisdom अवबोध Ex:  axiomatic wisdom इदराक Ex:  I have not met him lately.
Its only lately that wisdom has downed upon him to give up smoking.
Lately he has been seen frequenting him move often.
इभानीमीलिका Ex:  She alloyed her courage with a helping of wisdom . उपोद्ग्रह Ex:  Her courage has been alloyed with wisdom . कलंदिका Ex:  He exemplifies wisdom by his decisions . गिनान Ex:  Elephants are symbols of wisdom in Asian cultures गोआन Ex:  It went against all conventional wisdom of the time. ग्याँन Ex:  Hades the god of the dead, and Athena the goddess of wisdom and courage. चेत Ex:  Language and conventional wisdom are critically assessed. जाँन Ex:  Enki/Ea is essentially a god of civilization, wisdom and culture. ज्ञान Ex:  "If any of you lack wisdom उ:   साथ ही उन्‍हें अनेक ग्रन्‍थों का ज्ञान था। दर्याफ्त Ex:  An enlightened wisdom दानिस्त Ex:  Athens Court placed in a place sacred to Mars and known in antiquity by its reputation for wisdom दृश Ex:  Deep wisdom नागर्य Ex:  Discretion Palace, Faculty given to a judge, especially the President of the Assize Court, acting, in some cases, depending on his particular will, but with wisdom and Moderation परिचोपु Ex:  Enjoying under, in wisdom and science प्रज्ञा Ex:  God is wisdom itself, mercy even उ:   प्रज्ञा टीवी एक हिन्दी टी वी चैनल है। प्रविचेतन Ex:  Human wisdom फजीनगी Ex:  In its greatest prosperity, he still kept a lot of wisdom फरजानगी Ex:  In some fortunately gifted children, wisdom warns age फैलसुफी Ex:  In terms of Rhetoric designates a Figure by which it combines two ideas that seem contradictory, as in: A crazy wisdom बुद्धिमत्ता Ex:  It is a man of deep wisdom उ:   यह था, उनकी बुद्धिमत्ता और बहादुरी का प्रमाण। बुद्धिमानी Ex:  It is said proverbially Doubt is the beginning wisdom उ:   उनकी बुद्धिमानी के हजारों किस्से हैं जो बच्चों को सुनाए जाते हैं। बूझ, बूझि Ex:  It specifically refers to the supreme wisdom by which God leads everything मनीषा Ex:  Moses went to learn in the wisdom of the Egyptians उ:   जिसमें उन्होंने मनीषा कोईराला के बच्चपन का अभिनय किया है। रात्र Ex:  Nitouche, by which is meant a person who forged the wisdom or devotion, which affects air of innocence, simplicity वयुन Ex:  Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Ecclesiasticus are some of the wisdom books विदथ Ex:  Salt is the symbol of wisdom विदर्शना Ex:  She has an air of wisdom in everything she says, in everything it does विपस् Ex:  The eternal wisdom विवेकता Ex:  The gift of wisdom is one of the seven gifts of Holy Spirit वुकूफ Ex:  The study of wisdom वैदुषी Ex:  The wisdom is in a middle व्युप्तत्ति Ex:  The wisdom of his conduct, his policy सप्रज्ञ Ex:  The wisdom of Solomon समोध Ex:  They decorate the wisdom of their insensitivity name सुक्रतूया Ex:  Who teach wisdom सुपालि Ex:  Youth lacks wisdom to deliberate, and the power of retirement to run हुस्यारपन Ex:  He made a full response wisdom हृदयलेख Ex:  This child was noted for his wisdom हृल्लेख होशमंदी
Other : गंभीरता Ex:  By 1148 Manuel had seen the wisdom of securing an alliance with Conrad उ:   युद्ध के बाद, कार उत्पादन गंभीरता से शुरू किया गया। चतुर Ex:  Stilbon after their god of wisdom Nabu उ:   वस्तु अंतरजाल में चतुर उपकरणों की महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका है। चतुराई Ex:  He forgot his wisdom and the little fellas licked him. पाण्डित्य Ex:  God is the sovereign wisdom प्रज्ञान Ex:  His wisdom has overcome all dangers बुद्धि Ex:  It acts with his usual wisdom उ:   एक बार दरबार में बुद्धि और संस्कार पर चर्चा छिड़ी। बुद्धिमान Ex:  It is a wisdom hero, unselfishness, consistency, etc उ:   "... आत्मा ही बुद्धिमान है और जब सूखी होती है। भीष्म Ex:  J' admire the wisdom of your conduct, your speech उ:   भीष्म ने उसे राजा शाल्व के पास भिजवा दिया। विद्या Ex:  The aphorisms of Schopenhauer on wisdom in Life उ:   उन्होने भारतीय विद्या भवन की स्थापना की। विवेक Ex:  The fear of God is the foundation of wisdom उ:   विवेक उन्हें पुनर्स्थापित करने के लिये बैंगलोर ले जाता है। समझ Ex:  The wisdom overcomes the disorder of the soul उ:   राजा कुछ समझ पाते तब तक उनकी न एक कुटिया पर पड़ी। समझदारी Ex:  There are in this conduct, nor wisdom nor greatness सुबुद्धि Ex:  , where prudence, wisdom stands out होशियारी
Wisdom ki paribhasha : vah shakti jisake anusaar manushy kisi upasthit vishay ke snbndh men thik thik vichaar ya nirnay karata hai man ki vah shakti jisase bhale bure ka gyaan hota ho vah gyaan jo shiksha aadi ke dvaara upaarjit ya praapt kiya jaata hai vaasana ya snskaar vastuon aur vishayon ki vah bhaavana jo man ya aatma ko ho
Usage of Wisdom in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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