With it meaning in hindi

How to pronounce With it
As noun : अकृश Ex:  I can't help you with it .
अप्रमत्त Ex:  Lay to! Let's get on with it . आधुनिक Ex:  Tom's not with it yet . उ:   राज्य आधुनिक विश्व की अनिवार्य सच्चाई है। इदानींतन Ex:  Don't bother with it . गलवार्त Ex:  Jean's mother is not really with it anymore . जडैल Ex:  With all the opportunities the Industrial Revolution brought with it निरोगी Ex:  The laager had with it a small artillery of five Maxim guns प्रणिहित Ex:  The fish was very beautiful and huge and Santiago felt a connection with it यत्त Ex:  In 1874 Iceland was given a constitution and with it यौवनस्थ Ex:  Should he disagree with it विरोग Ex:  Commercial and military pilots were required to be familiar with it संयत्त Ex:  The marriage brought with it the "Honour of Huntingdon" सतर्क Ex:  Aversion to English people and everything connected with it सहस्त्राक्ष Ex:  Do not go into his office, he gets busy with it सहारोग्य Ex:  He also told People that live familiarly with someone, that are connected with it सहीसलामत Ex:  I do not want to change with it सावचेत ‡ Ex:  In this sense it approaches GOURMET sense without being confused with it स्वस्थ Ex:  It's a city you live with it उ:   यह विटामिन यकृत की कार्य पणाली को स्वस्थ रखता है।
As adjective : अपना बचाव करने में सक्षम Ex:  Don't fuss around with it .
Usage of With it in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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