With meaning in hindi
As noun : के कारण Ex: An unhoped-for goodluck was with me.
के दिशा में Ex: he was wrinkled and ungroomed, with a two-day beard के प्रति Ex: He is infauted with her. के बावजूद Ex: These forces combined with others के मामले में Ex: He likes pizza with an anchovy. मिलाकर Ex: Hyderabad is twinned with Secunderabad. उ: आठ-आठ अध्यायों को मिलाकर एक अष्टक बनाया गया है। से युक्त Ex: Children are enjoing with Punch and Judy show.
Other : क बावजूद Ex: impatient with the slower students की दिशा में Ex: He has contacts with the underworld. के पास Ex: Courtiess followed the Kings wishes with obeisance. के साथ साथ Ex: The image depicts Laozi together with The Buddha, and Confucius. के साथ Ex: The door with painted panels looks beautiful. खपाना Ex: transact with foreign governments तँ Ex: They were closeted in the classroom with the Professor. तईँ Ex: The smugglers connived with the police. तरफ Ex: He paints beautifully with brush. उ: चारों तरफ सखुआ का ही पेड़ नजर आता है। तैँ Ex: Maturity comes with age. त्या Ex: He sizzled with anger. दै Ex: She flavoured the rice-dish with mint. पास Ex: She grinned with delight. उ: उनके पास थ्योरी और सद्भावना दोनों थे । ब Ex: Helen pealed with laughter. बर Ex: They opened the gifts with whoops of excitement. में Ex: Chandeliers are decorated with glasses. उ: ऐसे में हम डॉक्टर के यहां देर से पहुंचे । लचीली टहनी Ex: During campaigning protesters rioted with opposition. संग Ex: He tinted his comments with sircasm . उ: साधु संग उनका व्यसन था। सह Ex: He behaves with indelicasy. उ: सह न सका अन्याय, सुयोधन बढ़कर आगे आया। सहित Ex: In 1608 together with Aleksander Kleczkowski उ: इन्द्र सहित देवतागण उससे भयभीत रहते थे। साथ से Ex: They fenced with foils at the competition. साथ Ex: He drinks soda-water laced with alchohol. उ: साथ ही साथ वे एक अर्थशास्त्री भी हैं। से Ex: he showered her with caresses उ: इनमें से सबसे सुविधाजनक साधन साइकिल रिक्शा है। सेँति, सेँती Ex: She argued with forcefulness. हुंता Ex: Even teachers got fed-up with her crap. हुते Ex: Wordsworth communes with Nature in his poetries.
With ki paribhasha : krashn ke ek putr ka naam jisaki maata ka naam maadri tha jyautish kisi ke saath laga hua ya snyukt bhedon ke baal katarane ki kainchi ka dasta ek snbndhasoochak avyay jisase praayaः sahachaar ka bodh hota hai kaamadev ki patni ka naam
ExamplesUsage of With in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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