Withdrawal meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Withdrawal
As noun : अपावर्त्तन Ex:  the withdrawal of French troops from Vietnam
धनाहरण Ex:  Mussolini declared the country's withdrawal from the organization. नशीले पदार्थों का प्रतिकार Ex:  After the Roman withdrawal from Britain in 410 निर्लिप्तता Ex:  After the Roman withdrawal in the first decade of the 5th century प्रत्याहरण Ex:  For actions occurring since the withdrawal of US forces from Vietnam in 1973 प्रत्याहार Ex:  One was the withdrawal of the estimated 20,000 Rwandan soldiers in the Congo. उ:   शिवसूत्र या माहेश्वर सूत्र - यह प्रत्याहार बनाने में सहायक होता है। वापसी Ex:  President Bush backed a limited withdrawal of troops from Iraq. उ:   मूलध्न की, समय पर वापसी करना। संबंध विच्छेद Ex:  Said Mekhloufi announced his withdrawal from the GIA
As verb : कड्ढना Ex:  Kienmayer covered his withdrawal with the O'Reilly light cavalry कढ्डेरना Ex:  The Federation dissolved after the withdrawal of Jamaica काढना Ex:  The withdrawal method निकालना Ex:  1957. Before the withdrawal उ:   इस प्रक्रिया में वनस्पति तेल या वसा से ग्लीसरीन को निकालना होता है। निर्घातन Ex:  After the German withdrawal to the Hindenburg line in March 1917 व्यवाकृति Ex:  Shortly after the withdrawal of the Athenians from Aegina
Other : आहरण विनिवर्तन Ex:  Habré had already taken advantage of Libya's withdrawal निकाल Ex:  Following the withdrawal of the SNA, the WSLF continued their insurgency. उ:   थोड़े दिनों में ही ग्रीक निकाल बाहर किए गए। निष्क्रमण Ex:  Rather than seeking withdrawal from the world पलटाव Ex:  Gorbachev announced the full withdrawal of Soviet forces from Afghanistan. पिछे हटाव Ex:  The withdrawal was completed the following year लौटाव Ex:  Rwanda announced the completion of its withdrawal संबं Ex:  While in most places the withdrawal took place without any problems
Withdrawal ki paribhasha : vah yukti jisamen kushti men pratipakshi ki ghaat se bacha jaay yog ke aath angon men se ek ang jisamen indriyon ko unek vishayon se hataakar chitt ka anusaran kiya jaata hai kisi di hui vastu ko phir lene ya li hui vastu ko phir dene ka kaam ya bhaav
Usage of Withdrawal in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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