Withered meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Withered
As verb : अट्ट Ex:  Their hopes withered away.
अनूदक Ex:  Many of our roses withered away in the hot sun . अपंकिल Ex:  A body that watches and works have withered अपरिक्लिन्न Ex:  Having the skin, face, eyes withered कुम्हलाया Ex:  He said specifically, in terms of Botany, the Chalice which remains when the flower has withered leaves that do not fall fall, stipules remaining after falling leaves खोशीदा Ex:  It is also said to this body pulled from the body of the animal and withered जलशोष Ex:  Their Youth has withered in tears झुर्रीदार Ex:  Which of the two kinds is noted, withered by law, by public opinion वर्षप्रतिबध सूखा उ:   कई सालों से सूखा चल रहा था।
Other : झुरकुट Ex:  This sad experience has withered his heart मुरझाया Ex:  Who is withered मुर्झाना Ex:  state which decays or is withered म्लान शुष्क उ:   शुष्क हवा में धागे टूट जाते हैं।
Withered ki paribhasha : jisaka paani nikala, ud ya jal gaya ho
Usage of Withered in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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