Womb meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Womb
As noun : उल्ब Ex:  In Philip's dream, he sealed her womb with the seal of the lion. उ:   यह उल्बगुहा है और इसकी भित्ति उल्ब है।
कुष्मांड़ Ex:  It is also said to die in the womb of heresy गर्भकोष Ex:  The fruit of her womb गर्भगेह Ex:  The waters circulating in the womb of the earth through a multitude of channels गर्भवास Ex:  They carried his heart in such a church in her womb and such other उ:   पितृशाप के कारण एक बार वसु लोगों को गर्भवास भुगतना पड़ा। गर्भस्थली Ex:  This child she carried in her womb गर्भाशय Ex:  , circulating in the womb of the earth, or penetrate it in escape उ:   वहाँ से वे गर्भाशय में चले जाते हैं। जरायु Ex:  The womb that conceived you बच्चादान बच्चादानी
Other : उदर Ex:  “From the womb before the morning star have I begotten Thee” उ:   उनका उदर अंदर को घुसा हुआ है। औधान Ex:  Action by which a child is conceived in the womb कंदरा Ex:  Asphyxia Newborn, apparent death of the child leaving the mother's womb कुक्षि Ex:  It also means Hurting, tearing or splitting the womb उ:   इनकी दो पुत्रियां- सम्राट और कुक्षि और दस पुत्र हुए। कोख Ex:  It is said also, in speaking of a Mother, the fruit of her womb उ:   तुम्हारे कोख से महा भयंकर अमंगलकारी दो अधम पुत्र उत्पन्न होंगे। कोखा Ex:  It was discovered in her womb the traces of poison कोठा Ex:  Jesus Christ was conceived in the womb of the Virgin गड्ढा Ex:  preterm fetus out of the mother's womb गर्भ Ex:  The child returns to the womb उ:   गर्भ के लिए भी ऐसा ही किया जाए। गर्भा स्थान Ex:  womb RSS , diarrhea गर्भाश्य Ex:  , the heart of the earth, the womb of the sea, what is below the surface of the earth, the sea झोल
Womb ki paribhasha : pet ke andar ka bachcha lakadi aadi ka bad poola ya gatta vah jhilli jisamen bachcha bandha hua utpann hota hai striyon ke vah sthaan jisamen bachcha rahata hai
Usage of Womb in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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