Wonder meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Wonder
As noun : अचंभा Ex:  in fact, it was a wonder anyone survived
अचंभित होना Ex:  `I wonder what to do, she said worriedly अचम्भे में पड़ना Ex:  togetherness is the new wonder ingredient in marriage अचरज Ex:  I wonder whether they will come. उ:   यह कोई अचरज की बात नहीं है। अचरिज Ex:  when antibiotics were first discovered they were called wonder drugs अचर्ज Ex:  No wonder Mary is ill . अचिरज Ex:  I wonder why Grandma gave me this table . अच्चड Ex:  No wonder he's so fat . अच्चड Ex:  No wonder he's so fat . अतरज Ex:  Tommy is no seven-day wonder . अद्भुत दृश्य Ex:  I wonder about Carl and what he is up to . अद्भुत वस्तु Ex:  Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times praised Tate as "a wonder to behold" अनेभो Ex:  Naturally one might wonder to what use should this information be put. अनेभो Ex:  Naturally one might wonder to what use should this information be put. अवक Ex:  William Wordsworth’s poetry described the wonder of the natural world अहचरज Ex:  "I wonder where I was at the time". आचंभ Ex:  I don't wonder his wife's so fond of him! आश्चर्य होना Ex:  An incredible wonder आश्चर्य Ex:  He paid his debts, it is wonderful, it is great wonder उ:   आपको थाईलैंड एक के बाद एक आश्चर्य देता है। इद्ध Ex:  I wonder what his feeling on it उत्त Ex:  I wonder what is in the soul एजाज Ex:  I wonder where it may come Ex:  I wonder why this case उ:   का ओ यू-पाओ ने सेना में भर्ती होने के बाद अक्षरज्ञान प्राप्त किया था। करामत Ex:  It is even said of It's the eighth wonder of the world करामाती Ex:  Landscape and wildlife have to wonder this exhibition उ:   कहा जाता है कि सिंगाजी एक कवि व करामाती संत थे। कोडी Ex:  Questioning his conscience or wonder if particular means questioning ourselves about this or that thought of this or such an act to appreciate the moral value चकमकना Ex:  The wonder is that चकिचाई चकिचाई चकित होना चमत्कार उ:   चमत्कार था यह भक्त अम्बरीश का और उनकी भक्ति का। चित्रीकरण, चित्रीकार चौआईपु जानने के लिए उत्सुक होना तजुब तजुब ताजुब्ब करना बिसमउ बिसमव बिसमादु पू बिस्मै भटकना विसमै विसमै विस्मय उ:   विस्मय प्रकट करने वाले शब्द को विस्मायादिबोधक कहते हैं। विस्मयन वैचिञ्य शिगिफ्त शिगिफ्त संदेह होना
As verb : आश्चर्य करना Ex:  �I thought you'd wonder that,� said the little bird . जानने को उत्सुक होना
Other : अजूबा Ex:  It's no wonder that plant died . आयत Ex:  Carbolic Smoke Ball Company a medical firm advertised that its new wonder drug उ:   काली भूमि पर श्वेत आयत अपेक्षाकृत बड़ा दिखाई पड़ता है। कमाल Ex:  In the midst of so many dangers, your safety wonder उ:   इनकी विस्तार-क्षमता कमाल की है। करश्मा Ex:  It is a wonder that it is so soon out of embarrassment करिश्मा Ex:  My contractor wonder as for this, for that item कुतूहल Ex:  Pico della Mirandola was regarded as the wonder of the age खेल Ex:  The use of electricity is the wonder today उ:   इस खेल में आँख में चोट लगने की संभावना रहती है। ताज्जुब उ:   सबसे ताज्जुब की बात ये है कि अरस्तु के पिता और पुत्र का नाम एक ही था। विस्मित होना संदेह करना
Wonder ki paribhasha : jisaka garv nasht ya choorn ho gaya ho raasta bhool jaane ke kaaran idhar udhar ghoomana vah jise dekhakar chitt men vismayayukt aahlaad utpann ho vah manovikaar jo kisi nai, abhootapoorva, asaadharana, bahut badi athava samajh men na aanevaali baat ke dekhane, sunane ya dhyaan men na aane se utpann hoti hai
Usage of Wonder in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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