Woods meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Woods
As noun : कंतरि Ex:  He chopped the woods off.
कुब्र Ex:  The soldiers sifted through the woods खात्र Ex:  The deer rose up and darted off into the woods . गहिन Ex:  In ring-porous woods each season's growth is always well defined जंगल Ex:  In the diffuse-porous woods उ:   चांगलांग में अनेक जंगल हैं। दश्त Ex:  Other woods often used to make quality table boards include Hiba नीध्न Ex:  These woods were planted on anthropogenic heaths and sand-drifts . पादपखंड Ex:  On the right flank, heavy fighting broke out in the woods near Yartzevo. बनपाल Ex:  To protect the islands, small woods were planted. बिछाव Ex:  "I walked among the seven woods of Coole" वन Ex:  Ford was interested in engineered woods उ:   तीन प्रकार के साल वन पलामू में मौजूद हैं। वनगोचर Ex:  A bird of the family of the Fowl, the size of a hen, who lives in the woods विपन Ex:  Absolutely, Take the woods you accourcirez सौगंधिक वन Ex:  Agriculture Pushing the low woods like shives
Woods ki paribhasha : tamasa naamak yajnapaatr jo kaath ka hota tha
Usage of Woods in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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