Words meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Words
As noun : अट्टसट्ट Ex:  I dont like words that have -ism as an ending
अठान० Ex:  Few words of consolation animated the widows life. अभिधानक Ex:  Arrange these words in a sequence. अमूर Ex:  I listened to his words very closely उ:   नदी के पार रूस के अमूर ओब्लास्त का ब्लागोवेशचेन्स्क शहर स्थित है। अम्र Ex:  ambiguous words अवाज Ex:  uninflected words Ex:  Parrots words are very sweet to listen. कटाकटी Ex:  Ram was having words with Shyam. कणीची Ex:  The words you spoke are not liked by anyone. कमंध Ex:  I transliterate Tamil words into English. करषा Ex:  The words he she it are pronomial. कलकल Ex:  She was emboldened by the words of her father. कलीमा Ex:  He carved out his words very decorously. कहनावति Ex:  Frank edited out the misspelled words . कहिनी Ex:  She gasped the words out haltingly . क्ष्वेड Ex:  Jane growled a few words out . खरखशा Ex:  I had words with John over Mary and her friends . खुसुमत Ex:  He said yes, but not in so many words . गदयित्रु Ex:  This whole project will fail—mark my words . ग्राममदगुरिका Ex:  Please note these words down . घांघल Ex:  She put it into words quite nicely . घोकपु Ex:  Fred stammered the words out haltingly . चकरवा Ex:  Tom is usually too funny for words at parties . झगड़ा Ex:  Ken's words trailed away as he passed out . उ:   वे हमारा और भतीजे का झगड़ा चुका जाएँ तो अच्छा है। झगरो Ex:  1892.Her last words to him were, "You've arrived, Nidžo, my pride". Ex:  Spanish and Portuguese both have large numbers of Arabic loan words टँड Ex:  Many words in English and other European languages are derived from Arabic ठकठक Ex:  Among them are commonly-used words like "sugar" , "cotton" and "magazine" . ठाँयँ ठाँयँ Ex:  Some words in common use Ex:  Ungri words were used डाँड़ामेँड़ा Ex:  Ungaria words changed to Hungarus दाँताकिटकिट Ex:  The words "BE IT ENACTED by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty निघुष्ट Ex:  These words are known as the enacting formula. निह्नाद Ex:  Or in the words of the Royal Television Society, ". प्रणयकलह Ex:  The shortest words are two symbols in length, the longest seven symbols. प्रतिस्पर्द्धा Ex:  " In the words of Stephen Richey प्रलपित Ex:  In the words of two of its co-authors बकार Ex:  Vyasa employs the words "janmadyasya yatah" बजहाई Ex:  A number of words are thought to be possible sources for the term "cricket". बतिया ‡ Ex:  Non-Japanese words or new loan words are spelled in katakana. बत्तो Ex:  Most words also have a kanji form. बात Ex:  In the words of Hiriyanna उ:   यही बात जन साधारण में प्रचलित है। बीती Ex:  His final words to his son Ziggy were "Money can't buy life". उ:   रजनी बीती भोर भयो है घर घर खुले किवारे। बोल Ex:  Lunfardo uses words from Italian dialects उ:   उसके बोल दिलों में उतर जाते थे। बोलनि Ex:  According to the words of Jesus भांडन Ex:  "What do the words 'good', 'bad', 'right' and 'wrong' mean? भाष Ex:  No fewer than eight airports use the words London Airport in their name मुखमसा Ex:  Verse 12 contains the words "Kiss the Son". मुफसिद Ex:  , the German words Das All, Weltall, and Natur for universe. राढ़ ‡ Ex:  His last words are often quoted as "Thomas Jefferson survives". रारि Ex:  Nelson's final words were "Thank God I have done my duty". रूद् Ex:  In those accounts, Nelson's last words were "Drink, drink. लफज Ex:  However they were not his last words as Hardy was not present at his death वक्त्रपरिस्पंद Ex:  Thompson first submitted to Sports Illustrated a manuscript of 2,500 words वखरुह Ex:  Some words can be different वग्नु Ex:  In the photographer's own words वर्णात्मा Ex:  Examples of Germanic words in Swedish are mus , kung , and gås . वाचकपद Ex:  Like with many Germanic languages, new words can be formed by compounding, e. वाणि Ex:  New words can also be coined via derivation from other established words वार्त्ता Ex:  In Coptic, the words piaro or phiaro meaning "the river" . विक्षाव Ex:  "beyond words and stories वित्तक Ex:  In Michael Scott's words विरोधक्रिया Ex:  In the words of Christoph Wolff विश्वकद्रु Ex:  In the words of the Athanasian Creed वोल Ex:  Brock's last words have been reported as surgite व्यावक्रोशी Ex:  The words "BE IT ENACTED by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty व्योमगुण Ex:  Latin and Greek invocations do not have the words "One God" at the end. शब्द Ex:  The words Vande Mataram उ:   "संस्कृतम्" शब्द विभिन्न लिपियों में लिखा हुआ। शब्दन Ex:  The Seal of Maynila depicts the words Lungsod ng Maynila and Pilipinas शरशोर Ex:  "Kal-El," resembles the Hebrew words קל-אל श्रुतिविषय Ex:  Her last words were "Oh that peace may come. संखड Ex:  Regardless of who penned the words संवाद के शब्द Ex:  Canto XVII opens with the words 'So that' सांपराय Ex:  In the words of Cornelius Nepos सुबंतपद Ex:  In other words Abraham was born when his father Terah was 130 years old. स्कभन Ex:  Many words and other objects have originated from their localized language. स्वरयोग Ex:  Portuguese got several words of African and Amerind origin स्ववार्त Ex:  Many languages have borrowed words from Portuguese
Other : उक्ति Ex:  History of words can be known from etymological. कथन Ex:  hyphenate these words and names उ:   हिंदी साहित्य ज्ञानकोश की प्रविष्टियों में कोई अन्तिम कथन नहीं है। श्रुति Ex:  This pronunciation is believed to come from the old words for tea 梌 or 荼 . उ:   श्रुति वीरशैव धर्म के सर्वोच्च ग्रन्थ हैं।
Words ki paribhasha : ek prakaar ka sugndhit gond jo svaad men kadua hota hai do manushyon ka paraspar aaveshapoorn vivaad vaayu men honevaala vah knp jo kisi padaarth par aaghaat padne ke kaaran athava svayn vaayu par aaghaat padne ke kaaran utpann hokar kaan ya shravanendriy tak pahuanchata auऱ usamen ek vishesh prakaar ka kshobh utpann karata hai saarthak shabd ya vaaky
Usage of Words in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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